Critical first days
Preemie simulation doll for teaching parents how to care for premature newborns This little doll is constructed of soft fabric with embroidered details and is weight balanced and proportioned to simulate a preemie. It is designed for medical caregivers to show parents exactly what to expect when their new preemie needs oxygen and endotracheal tube access, an ostomy site, an umbilical catheter, a G-tube, or a tracheostomy. #346 Each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $885 Special bottle for feeding high-risk babies This feeding bottle ensures that infants and children who are at risk of choking are fed safely. #347 Each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10 Soothing music therapy for preemies Our certified music therapist provides individual sessions of live music, offering gentle stimulation, soothing sounds, and lullabies to build the bond between newborn and caregiver. #348 Eachsession ................... $50
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