UJ Alumni Impumelelo Magazine Edition 12


About University of Johannesburg Alumni Chapters

Key activities of a chapter include but are not limited to: organising multiple events or activities a year to which all alumni in the region are invited acting as a contact point for UJ in their country or region offering informal advice to alumni moving into their area acting as a local contact point for UJ e.g. offering advice to members of staff and faculty about where to stay or hold meetings when visiting their area

A UJ alumni chapter is a regional, town or city based group of university of Johannesburg (UJ) alumni who want to formalise their relationship with UJ. Any verified alumnus may volunteer to convene a chapter. Chapters coordinate and provide opportunities for alumni to socialise and network. They organise their local alumni and keep them connected to UJ. The alumni chapters are the official contact with the UJ Alumni Office and UJ. Ideally convenors execute the maintenance of their respective UJ alumni chapters with the guidance of the UJ alumni chapter guidelines that the alumni office has produced. The UJ Alumni Office provides communications and administrative support to chapter convenors.

HOW TO START – VOLUNTEERING TO BE A CONVENOR The convenor of an alumni chapter should have the following characteristics: Willingness to work with the University Willingness to contribute time Enthusiasm Ability to motivate and engage alumni Think about what type of activities you are hoping to organize as a chapter convenor. Successful alumni chapters base their programme on a mixture of activities. Allow the opportunity for as many people as possible to contribute.

If you are looking to establishing an alumni chapter in your region, please contact the UJ alumni office on alumni@uj.ac.za All UJ Alumni can connect with us on Alumni Connect, www.ujalumni.co.za. The alumni connect platform allows UJ Alumni to, offer mentoring services, receive mentorship and connect with UJ in a unique way and participate in UJ Alumni chapters and affinity groups.


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