UK Directors & Officers defence practice


We understand the serious reputational, financial and personal repercussions that D&O claims can bring for individuals, their companies and their insurers, and the importance of resolving these claims sensitively and expeditiously.We recognise the importance of supporting and enhancing the commercial partnerships between clients, brokers and insurers, and have wide-ranging sector expertise working with all parties. The evolving D&O landscape

The Directors and Officers (D&O) liability insurance market has experienced a turbulent couple of years due to a reduction in capacity, more restrictive conditions and rising premiums. Whilst the market is now thankfully showing signs of stabilisation, the risks facing D&Os continue to increase but defence costs inflation can be controlled by using an appropriately experienced law firm for defence representation. We can leverage our regional reach by using the expertise of our D&O teams in London, Bristol, Manchester and Glasgow to tailor to your needs. We often pair this with strategic global specialist input where appropriate. Karen Boto Partner, London Bradley Baker Senior Associate, London

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