UK Directors & Officers defence practice

What we are known for

• Protection of the Limits: Choosing a firm that is willing to apply insurer friendly rates will mean that the limits of indemnity available under your D&O policy will go further. As D&O insurance is expensive to obtain, this may allow you to absorb a higher premium and obtain access to larger limits of indemnity. • Quality Control: Your D&Os will be represented by the most experienced lawyers in the market. We will be pre-approved by your insurers where we are on their Panel. We always strive to achieve the best outcome for you and your D&Os. • Operation of the D&O Policy: We can provide early assistance and advice regarding the scope of cover likely to be available and any limitations. Allowing for any uninsured exposures to be effectively managed and mitigated. • Seamless Claims Process: Due to our wide-reaching panel appointments, we have a full appreciation of insurers’ billing requirements, and will act in accordance with your insurers’ litigation guidelines, speeding up the defence costs evaluation and approval process, resulting in a more efficient claims service being delivered. • Adequate Reserves: We understand the importance of providing vital information to insurers on a regular basis, allowing accurate reserves to be maintained throughout the entire life cycle of a claim.

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