JBJ October 2022 Newsletter


Jonah Murray of JBJ Management attended the groundbreaking ceremony for the new location of Fort Worth City Hall on September 15, 2022. The hardhats were decorated for this special moment by children from each of the Fort Worth Public Library locations. Located at 100 Energy Way in Downtown Fort Worth, the old Pier One Imports building will be refurbished to house a new Council Chamber as well as other City service departments. Mayor Parker says it will become a living room for every resident of Fort Worth, and will feature the work of local artists.


Dallas residents would pay no increase in property or sales taxes. Dallas residents have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to revitalize Fair Park and expand the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas (KBHCCD), two of the biggest attractions for travel and tourism, when they cast their ballots on Nov. 8 for the $1.5 billion initiative. If

COMMUNITY LEADERS BACK VOTE YES FOR PROP A CAMPAIGN D allas Mayor Eric Johnson, former U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, State

Prop A is approved, this opportunity will create 50,000+ jobs, bring Fair Park into the 21st century with $300 million worth of renovations and repairs and double the capacity and expected revenue of the convention center with a $1.2 billion investment in the expansion.

kick-off at a press conference last month. The leaders support Proposition A which asks citizens to vote FOR a “tourist tax” -a 2% increase in the hotel occupancy tax which is paid by visitors who stay overnight in Dallas hotels and motels.

Senator Royce West, State Representative Victoria Neave Criado and former Mayor Tom Leppert were the featured speakers at the VOTE YES FOR PROP A campaign



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