Alex & Saavedra - July 2018

IS YOUR CHILD BEING BULLIED? Warning Signs You Can’t Ignore

Somewhere along the line, our society accepted bullying as a social norm for children. “How can kids learn to cope with the real world if they can’t handle a bully?” is a commonmisguided justification. Kids who don’t meet the standards of what they are socially expected to be aren’t accepted among their peers. Rather, they are treated like emotional punching bags for anyone deemedmore culturally acceptable. But the life of a child is truly a special force in this world, and just because someone differs fromphysical, social, or cultural normativity doesn’t give anyone the right to treat thempoorly. Differences should be celebrated, and bullying needs to be eradicated. The best way we can start is by making an effort to notice bullying and put a stop to it. Here are three warning signs. HEADACHES ANDSTOMACHACHES Anxiety is a complex emotion that tends tomanifest itself in physical ways. If you notice your child has stress-related symptoms like headaches, ask them about their emotional well-being. An open-ended question like, “I’ve noticed you haven’t been feeling well a lot lately—can you tell me more about that?” will help open lines of communication. CHANGE INFRIENDS There are bound to be changes in friend groups throughout your child’s life, but that doesn’t mean parents shouldn’t take notice when this happens. When a child expresses disinterest in spending time with specific people, it could be a sign of bullying. Connecting with other parents who have children in the same circle could be a way to gauge the pulse of your child’s friend group. 1. WHOWILL BE MY DIRECT CONTACT? Oftentimes when you hire a lawyer, you also employ their whole team that operates behind the scenes. There are associates, paralegals, secretaries, clerks, and a slew of others who all specialize in different aspects of the law. When you sign on with a firm, it’s important to know who you will be communicating with most and what their expectations are of you. 2. WHAT IS YOUR EXPERIENCE WITH THESE TYPES OF CASES? Would you hire a massage therapist to give you a haircut? Probably not. Well, in the same sense, you don’t want to hire a bankruptcy lawyer for a personal injury matter. When it comes to your case, you need a qualified lawyer who is passionate about the nature of your claim. 3. HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN PRACTICING LAW? By no means does experience equal quality. There are plenty of lawyers out there who may have been practicing for years but who might not be the best fit for you. On the other hand, having a newcomer on the scenes who’s never tried a case before could present issues as well. The purpose of this question is to find out the qualifications and commitment behind the lawyer. Do You Know Who You Are Dealing With?

CONFIDENCE ISSUES Bullying has the potential to drop kids into a volatile cycle of confidence-killing self-talk. Bullyingmay produce external damage, but what goes on internally can be catastrophic for children. The continually progressing, technology-based environment our children live in nearly outpaces their ability to adjust and cope. Children often internalize their emotions, and when they are being bullied by someone online, their distress can be even harder to detect. The best way to be aware of how your children are feeling is to talk to themopenly about their social interactions both online and offline. Summer is the perfect opportunity to discuss these issues with your child because they likely will be relaxed, comfortable, and out of school, where bullying often occurs. Then they can approach the new school year with confidence and self- worth. What parent doesn’t want that?


4. HAVE YOU EVER HAD ANY ISSUES WITHMISCONDUCT? Ethics are a foundational element for what qualifies a good lawyer. Without guiding principles, our court system could run rampant with corruption. Hiring an attorney who has encountered problems with their methods before could prove to be a costly factor in a trial. If your lawyer has been proven guilty of misconduct, ask them about it. 5. WHAT IS A VIABLE TIME FRAME FOR THIS CASE? Setting clear expectations is the best way to find mutual success. It’s essential that you know if your case is going to take years or only a couple of months. Your lawyer may not have a definite time frame, but a good one will always keep you in the loop as the case progresses. At Alex & Saavedra, we welcome an open dialog with our clients. We want you to know that we will fight for you to the fullest extent of the law. Reach out to us today with any potential questions you might have.



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