2020 Vivero Catalog_Full

ANGELOS ® Angelonia hybrid

18-24 in | 40-60 cm

Angelos varieties are prized as the finest angelonia on the market. These vertical accent plants have massive blooms on well-branched, upright plant habits. The extra large blooms are densely packed on the flower spikes and thrive in the harshest summer conditions. Use Angelos angelonia as the high- light in your summer combination container gardens or massed in landscape plantings. Las variedades Angelos son consideradas las mejores Angelonias en el mercado. Estas plantas, tienen grandes inflorescencias en tallos verticales y fuertes y están llenas de flores grandes en la punta, que seguirán floreciendo en las condiciones más severas del verano. Utilice Angelos para resaltar sus combinaciones de maceteros de verano o en forma masiva en plantaciones de paisaje.

ANGELOS ® Bicolor Angelonia hybrid

ANGELOS ® Blue Angelonia hybrid

ANGELOS ® Bicolor ANGELOS ® Blue

ANGELOS ® Blue & White ANGELOS ® Lavender Pink ANGELOS ® White


PROPAGATION Rooting Hormone: Time Under Mist: Propagation Time:


ANGELOS ® Blue & White Angelonia hybrid

ANGELOS ® Lavender Pink Angelonia hybrid

7-9 days 3-4 weeks

Pinch in Liner:



5.8-6.2/0.6-0.9 70-75ºF/62-65ºF

Growing Temps D/N:

Fertilizer: Quarts: Gallons:

150 ppm

6-8 weeks | 1 ppp 7-8 weeks | 2 ppp 10-14 weeks | 3 ppp

12” Container:

ADDITIONAL TIPS Angelonia require high light in production. Keep plants warm and slightly dry immediately after transplanting to speed the rooting in process.

ANGELOS ® White Angelonia hybrid

8 | Vivero 2020 Catalog

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