2020 Vivero Catalog_Full

SEA SALT Artemisia

5-6 in | 12-15 cm


An easy component plant for consumers, Sea Salt has a beautiful display of soft, velvety silver gray leaves that provides a wonderful accent to other flowering plants. Sea Salt loves hot and dry conditions, making gardener success a breeze. Perennial to Zone 5, Sea Salt can be used as a quick filler in annual combinations or planted in the ground as a perennial bedding plant. Sea Salt tiene hermosas hojas grises y suaves, que proveen a los consumidores de un gran complemento para los jardines florales. A esta variedad le gusta las condiciones cálidas y húmedas, haciéndola perfecta para plantar en el suelo o en maceta.



FANCIFILLERS ™ Sea Salt Artemisia

8-24 in | 20-60 cm



A bullet proof summer performer, Silver Strand is a spreading succulent subshrub that is indestructible in the summer months. The semi trailing habit makes this an ideal component plant in hanging baskets and container gardens for a splash of velvety, silver color. Una suculenta indestructible para las producciones de verano. Esta suculenta semi rastrera es ideal como complemento para macetas colgantes o jardineras, para darle a las flores contraste con follaje plateado y aterciopelado.

FANCIFILLERS ™ Silver Strand

FANCIFILLERS ™ Silver Strand Didelta

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