We are delighted to continue our work with you or to welcome you to the school. As a community we have a commitment to personal best in learning and wellbeing, both are foundations for future success beyond the gates of The Lakes South Morang College. Success at The Lakes is not simply defined by academic achievement. A broad definition of success that celebrates achievement in personal, social, emotional, sporting and artistic endeavours is central to experiences at the College. Our students are central to the learning process. Curriculum planning and delivery is targeted to engage, challenge, and excite learning. Students work with their teachers to facilitate the next challenge in their learning programs as “ learner agents ”. Our aim is to fast track curriculum programs that will facilitate learning plans that are equipped with tools that support the important step towards learner agency. Teacher, student and parents/carers will develop and continue to refine Individual Education Learning Plans and accompanying pathway plans as they move through primary education. Work differentiation is paramount and is reflected in goal setting and achievement. Our focus is to quickly establish a culture where all learners are confidently challenging themselves and their peers to strive for personal excellence in a safe, risk averse learning environment. The College ’ s diversity is its great strength with our school population genuinely reflective of inclusivity. We are proud of the strong academic program, the diversity of our specialist programs and a rich array of student leadership opportunities.
Our vision and direction is guided by the school values of Respect, Learning, Leadership, and Teamwork and our mission is to challenge and empower all students to strive for personal excellence and ongoing growth and development. All members of our learning community are encouraged to “ dream big ”. We encourage all future learners to attend our school tours and speak to our school leaders. Your enrolment at our college is our privilege. We will work with you and leave no stone unturned to realise your school goals and future ambitions.
Enjoy the journey,
Bill Panas College Principal
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