Primary Campus
ENGLISH Students work with various texts to develop a range of skills to enable them to become independent readers and writers. Through shared book experiences and guided reading sessions, students continue to develop and build on a range of reading strategies and skills. They begin to apply this knowledge independently when decoding unknown words and developing meaning from texts. Students explore various writing styles and their purposes. They continue to practise a range of spelling strategies to assist with their writing. Students are encouraged to speak and listen in ways that promote effective communication. They share their thoughts and ideas during whole group discussions and are encouraged to ask questions. MATHEMATICS Students continue to develop a range of number concepts. They explore numbers to 100 and practise counting from various starting points. They develop their knowledge of number facts and strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems, and are encouraged to verbalise their understandings. They draw common shapes such as squares, rectangles, circles and triangles and learn to recognise cubes and spheres. Students explore shapes by classifying and sorting them based on their characteristics. They order the days of the week and use clocks to tell the time to the nearest hour. The students recognise, describe and order Australian coins according to their value.
Curriculum Handbook
The Lakes South Morang College
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