Primary Campus
ENGLISH Students work with various texts to develop skills to become independent readers. They continue to develop their knowledge of high frequency words, reading strategies and comprehension skills. Students are exposed to a variety of different writing styles and their purposes. They continue to practise their handwriting skills, including correct letter formation, shape and size. Students are supported to use punctuation when writing and develop their editing skills. They participate in a variety of speaking and listening activities to build confidence when sharing their ideas with others. Students are encouraged to ask questions and reflect on their learning during share time. MATHEMATICS Students continue to work with numbers to 100 and develop a range of mathematical concepts. They build on their knowledge of number facts to develop automatic recall and number strategies to assist with solving addition and subtraction problems. Students represent and interpret a range of data using graphs and develop their understanding of chance involving everyday events. They are provided with opportunities to participate in problem solving activities, applying their knowledge to games and real life situations. The students explore measurement, including developing appropriate vocabulary, and participate in a range of hands on activities using informal measures and tell the time to the half hour. AUSLAN Students learn how to sign simple greetings including signing the days of the week, months of the year and seasons. Students are introduced to the Auslan signs that relate to their inquiry topic of Living and Non - living. They participate in simple interactions using Auslan signing with their peers. Students view a range of texts and videos presented in Auslan and respond to these through drawing or signing.
The Lakes South Morang College Curriculum Handbook
Primary Campus
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