Primary Curriculum Handbook

Primary Campus


ENGLISH Students read various texts independently, focusing on the meaning of the story, and utilising both visual and structural clues. The students continue to be exposed to a variety of reading strategies to assist them with decoding unfamiliar words. Through modelled, shared and independent writing, students learn various writing styles and develop an understanding of their purpose. When creating a piece of writing, students are supported to use appropriate structure and specific language. They become familiar with a range of punctuation and begin to use it appropriately throughout their written pieces. Students apply editing skills when rereading their work prior to publishing. The students are encouraged to use spoken language appropriately when sharing their work, responding to questions and reflecting on their learning. MATHEMATICS Students continue to develop a range of mathematical concepts and strategies, using hands on activities to support their learning to effectively solve problems. Students revise number facts for addition and subtraction, and practise automatic recall to develop efficient mental strategies for computation. They recognise multiplication as repeated addition and ‘ groups of ’. Students participate in a range of activities to build their understanding on the concept of division. They extend their learning of fractions to include modelling of halves, quarters and eighths of a whole. Students collect data and represent their findings in a range of graphs. In Measurement and Geometry, students learn about maps and interpreting representations of physical features. They compare and order objects based on volume and capacity using informal units and explore masses of objects using balance scales.


Curriculum Handbook

The Lakes South Morang College

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