Primary Curriculum Handbook

Primary Campus

INQUIRY (HUMANITIES & SCIENCE) During the ‘ Investigating Materials ’ unit, students develop an understanding of the types of materials used in modern society. They learn that natural and processed materials have a range of physical properties and these properties influence how they are used. They investigate how, and why, certain materials are used for particular purposes. As part of their tasks, the students complete a range of hands - on experiments/investigations and evaluate their findings. The students investigate, design and create their own lunchbox by applying their scientific knowledge. AUSLAN Students develop their foundational conversation skills, using simple greetings, signing their emotions, as well as fingerspelling skills. They are introduced to the Auslan signs for 2D shapes and 3D objects. Students ask and answer questions in Auslan using 5Ws: who, what, when, where, why, how as well as follow directions given by signing. HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Students practise and refine fundamental skills through participating in a range of sports. They focus on working cooperatively and following rules fairly. Students apply basic rules and scoring systems and discuss being a fair participant. They focus on transferring understanding from previous movement experiences to new concepts and challenges. Students explore the benefits of being fit and physically active and connections they have to their community to improve health and wellbeing.


Curriculum Handbook

The Lakes South Morang College

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