Primary Campus
INQUIRY (ECONOMICS FOCUS) Students begin to explore the effect of ‘ supply ’ and ‘ demand ’ on the prices of products and services. Students develop a deeper connection to Economics in the ‘5 Mile Creek ’ project along with an understanding of the requirements of developing a theme park for the local community. Students take on the role of a town planner whose task is to cater for the needs of a diverse community as well as manage their personal finances. In Term 2, students explore the contribution that the Port of Melbourne has had, both past and present to the nation ’ s developing economy. Students are immersed in activities related to the ‘ needs ’ and ‘ wants ’ of society and how they help determine what Australia imports and exports through the Port of Melbourne. Students consolidate their understandings of Economics by showing the Journey of a Product and its impact across global trade.
Students develop their foundational conversation skills, using simple greetings, numbers 1 - 100, days of the week and months of the years as well as fingerspelling skills. Students use adjectives to describe family members and characters. Students ask and answer questions in Auslan as well as follow directions given by signing. VISUAL ARTS Students explore how and why artists perceive their ideas through different visual forms, practices and processes. Students make informed choices about using visual arts elements and stimuli from a range of cultures and social contexts to convey an idea or theme. They observe visual art practices and techniques that inspire them to express their own ideas and beliefs when creating their artwork.
Curriculum Handbook
The Lakes South Morang College
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