Primary Campus
Student voice and negotiated tasks in various areas of the curriculum supports student engagement and the development of curiosity and inquiry. A positive, respectful and collaborative approach towards teaching and learning provides a strong framework for how we teach.
How do we know our students are learning?
Assessment is used to provide an ongoing, ‘ real time ’ picture of individual students and cohorts. The tracking and monitoring of student outcomes is vital to informing purposeful teaching and allowing for student progress and scaffolded learning. Teaching staff at The Lakes South Morang College collect ongoing data in a variety of forms; these include pre and post - tests, rubrics, student performance and presentation. Mid and end of year Victorian Curriculum data is tracked and topics and tasks are often realigned based on this information. Staff are given opportunity to analyse and interpret a range of data and consider adjustments to teaching plans through timetabled sessions with teams and fortnightly meetings in PLTs. Regular campus and whole school professional development ensures teachers are strengthening skills necessary to make informed conclusions and support decision making. This is undertaken with the goals and outcomes for student learning contained within the strategic plan and AIP as the overarching purpose. All individual student learning requirements are tracked using a range of tools applicable to their identified learning needs including funded, Indigenous and identified ‘ at risk ’ or ‘ extension students ’ in a range of areas. Teaching staff at The Lakes South Morang College collect ongoing data in a variety of forms; these include pre and post - tests, rubrics, student performances and presentations. Mid and end of year Victorian Curriculum data is tracked and topic and tasks are often realigned based on this information. This data forms the basis of student feedback and goal setting, formal Victorian Curriculum Reporting to parents and school wide data analysis.
The Lakes South Morang College Curriculum Handbook
Primary Campus
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