Primary Curriculum Handbook

Primary Campus

Staff are given opportunity to analyse and interpret a range of data and consider adjustments to teaching plans through timetabled sessions with teams and fortnightly meetings in PLTs. Regular campus and whole school professional development ensures teachers are strengthening skills necessary to make informed conclusions and support decision making. This is undertaken with the goals and outcomes for student learning contained within the strategic plan and AIP as the overarching purpose. All individual student learning requirements are tracked using a range of tools applicable to their identified learning. This data forms the basis of student feedback and goal setting, formal Victorian Curriculum Reporting to parents and school wide data analysis. Students are able to set goals and reflect on their outcomes and at times, renegotiate their own learning goals and targets to achieve success. The use of Essential Assessment, English and Maths online interviews and PAT Literacy and Numeracy Testing gives staff an instant and clear picture of student progress and achievement supporting ‘ the next step ’. The Attitude to School Survey provides data on student engagement and gives staff a clear picture of their cohort and the NAPLAN results provides an overall snapshot of student learning as compared to National standards. The data collected about the achievements of past students highlights that the foundational learning that happens at The Lakes places students in good stead to be successful in senior secondary and tertiary education, and within the workforce.


Curriculum Handbook

The Lakes South Morang College

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