Cincinnati UMADAOP.d.v1


contact for clients needing assistance or support outside of the hours of regularly scheduled programs “If I was responsible for bringing you to the door, I’m going to stay with you.” Working in his position has allowed him to see the need for the assistance the organization gives within the community. “The people I see who are suffering from addiction and even those who have a friend or loved one dealing with it may not be able to get the support they need at home or around the people they know. We have to all stand together and help one another. UMADAOP serves all, so if there are people who are suffering from addiction, my job is to get them there.”

Jerome Crockett serves as a community navigator for the UMADAOP of Cincinnati. He helps clients get to and from their various sessions, court cases, or other appointments to ease their transitions during recovery. “We’re here for them,” he said. “That’s what we’re about with UMADAOP and the recovery series.” For clients who have to attend court appearances, Crockett serves as a voice for how they have been improving since they started attending UMADAOP programs.

As a member of the Peer Recovery Workforce, Crockett is a point of

-Jerome Crockett “If I was responsible for bringing you to the door, I’m going to stay with you.”


For more than seven months, Crockett has been a valued member of the UMADAOP of Cincinnati, bringing in some of its highest numbers of referrals. He was introduced to the organization after meeting its executive director, Leah Dennis-Ellsworth. “She was at my church doing outreach. We talked, and she thought I would be a good help to the program helping with outreach.” Since starting with the organization, Crockett has brought in about 50 people to start their journeys to recovery with the UMADAOP of Cincinnati. “I’m a people person. I can reach out and talk to just about anyone, and in that friendship, I’m able to bring people in at great numbers.” He says he doesn’t see his work as a job but as an opportunity to help underserved parts of the community. “It’s such rewarding work when you’re able to help someone because there have been many times where I needed someone to help me. It’s a beautiful thing to be able to be helpful for those in need.” Crockett believes he will continue serving in his position for years to come. “I feel one of the greatest accomplishments or one of the greatest things someone can actively do is to be a servant of the Lord. I know he’s put me in a position to be out here and help others.”

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