How to start positive conversations about dementia Discussing dementia, and life-changing decisions such as moving into a care home, can seem like a daunting prospect. Often, people may be reluctant to discuss it because they don’t want to cause distress. Using the right questions and conversation starters can help families begin important conversations in a positive and proactive manner – to ensure the right decisions can be made at the right time, and so you know where to turn for practical information and support.
What kind of experience would you like to have as you grow older? / What kind of experience would you like me to have as I grow older?
I’d like to talk about something with you, but first I’d like to get your point of view. Is now a good time?
What kind of place would you like to live in if you were no longer able to stay in your own home?
How would you want to be looked after should you become unwell or are diagnosed with dementia? /How would you want me to be looked after should I become unwell or am diagnosed with dementia?
What are your/our concerns about getting older? What could happen if we don’t do anything about those concerns?
What kind of experience would you like to have as you grow older? / What kind of experience would you like me to have as I grow older?
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