
C Back Cover — April 11 - 24, 2014 — Pennsylvania — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal


We Built Them… and They Came.

Having a variety of space available when companies are ready to expand is vital to the success of any local economy. Since the start of the recession in 2008, Mericle has constructed 15 buildings on speculation in business parks throughout Northeastern Pennsylvania. Companies such as Amazon.com, NeimanMarcus, Maximus, C3i, Greiner Packaging International, Boden, Benco Dental, and many others have located their businesses – and their jobs – in these new buildings.

Mericle’s Design and Excavation divisions are hard at work fully preparing 90 sites in 11 Northeastern Pennsylvania business parks. We will continue to build speculative industrial, office, flex, and medical buildings on these ReadyToGo! TM sites tomake sure our area has the tools it needs to compete for new jobs.

When you need space for your business, call Mericle. We’re ReadyToGo! TM when you’re ready to grow. READY TO GO BUILDINGS

225 ENTERPRISE WAY CenterPoint Commerce & Trade Park West 24.31 acres 109,516 SF Available

1 ALBERIGI DRIVE Jessup Small Business Center 10.02 acres 77,941 SF Available

63 GREEN MOUNTAIN ROAD Humboldt Industrial Park 60.793 acres 582,400 SF Available

1110 HANOVER STREET Hanover Industrial Estates 15.64 acres 133,000 SF Available

1200 E. LACKAWANNA AVE. Mid Valley Industrial Park 38.12 acres 356,114 SF Available (Expandable)


240-258 ARMSTRONG ROAD CenterPoint Commerce & Trade Park East 6.82 acres 16,844 SF Available 1 5 175 CENTE P INT BLV . i 8 55 4 112 ailable

501-575 KEYSTONE AVENUE CenterPoint Commerce & Trade Park East 33.40 acres 11,517 SF Available

100-144 CENTERPOINT BLVD. CenterPoint Commerce & Trade Park East 12.61 acres 20,361 SF Available

19 BERT COLLINS DRIVE Keystone Industrial Park 5.45 acres 20,000 SF Available

240-258 ARMSTRONG ROAD CenterPoint Commerce & Trade Park East 6.82 acres 16,844 SF Available


200 TECHNOLOGY DR. CenterPoint Commerce & Trade Park East ±100 acres Building size: up to 1,000,000 SF

250 ENTERPRISE WAY CenterPoint Commerce & Trade Park West 51.15 acres Building Size: 507,600 SF

250-300 RESEARCH DRIVE CenterPoint Commerce & Trade Park East 46.47 acres Building size: 372,000 SF

PARCEL 46A RESEARCH DR. CenterPoint Commerce & Trade Park East 27.36 acres Building size: 235,600 SF

105-155 RESEARCH DRIVE CenterPoint Commerce & Trade Park East 12.85 acres Building size: 109,600 SF


PARCEL 1, KEYSTONE AVE. CenterPoint Commerce & Trade Park East 7.98 acres Building size: 58,000 SF

395 ENTERPRISE WAY C enterPoint Commerce & Trade Park West 4.06 acres Building size: 32,500 SF

165-175 RESEARCH DRIVE CenterPoint Commerce & Trade Park East 3.3 acres Building Size: 24,000 SF

150 ENTERPRISE WAY CenterPoint Commerce & Trade Park West 4.058 acres Building size: 22,601 SF

PARCEL 22 RESEARCH DRIVE CenterPoint Commerce & Trade Park East 4.49 acres Building size: 11,200 SF

570.823.1100 mericle • com

Mericle, a Butler Builder™, is proud to be part of a network of building professionals dedicated to providing you the best construction for your needs.

East Mountain Corporate Center 100 Baltimore Drive Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702 Developing Northeastern Pennsylvania’s I-81 Corridor Since 1985

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