Elevate February 2025 | Air Serbia

Air Serbia inflight magazine

Love is in the air Ljubav je u vazduhu

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Reč dobrodošlice

Welcome message

Februar 2025.

February 2025

Dragi putnici,

Dear passengers,

Prošla godina je za našu kompaniju bila zai- sta uspešna . Poverenje nam je ukazalo 4,44 miliona putnika, naša flota proširena je još jednim „erbas A330- 200“ avionom i leteli smo na više od 87 ruta u 34 zemlje širom sveta. Naša mreža dodatno je osnažena novom de- stinacijom u NR Kini – do Guangdžoua letimo dva puta nedeljno, i ti letovi beleže zaista visoku popunjenost put- ničke kabine. U duhu uspeha zakoračili smo i u novu godinu. Već početkom januara uspostavili smo direktnu avio-liniju između Beograda i Šangaja. Na taj način dali smo važan doprinos daljem jačanju veza Srbije i Kine i napravili značajan korak u našoj misiji da Beograd bude turistički centar Zapadnog Balkana u koji će putnici iz celog sveta rado dolaziti. Verovali smo da će interesovanje za letove do Šangaja biti veliko, a ono je prevazišlo sva naša očekivanja. Naši širokotrupni avioni trenutno lete od Njujorka i Čikaga na zapadu do Guangdžoua i Šangaja na istoku. Izuzetno smo ponosni na to. Verujemo da će se u godini pred nama otvoriti i nove mogućnosti za dalje širenje dugolinijskog saobraćaja Er Srbije. Biće nam zadovoljstvo da vas ugostimo na tim i svim drugim letovima naše kompanije i budemo deo vaših putovanja, bila ona poslovna, bila turistička. Zbog planetarno popularnog Dana zaljubljenih februar je odavno mesec ljubavi i zaljubljenih. Ako ste u potrazi za romantičnim mestom na kome ćete provesti taj dan, preporučujemo da obratite posebnu pažnju na Portugal, kome smo posvetili februarsko izdanje ovog magazina. Ukoliko pak stižete u Srbiju i spremni ste da je upoznate, predlažemo da krenete putevima vina. Sveti Trifun, zaštitnik vinara, obeležava se istog dana kada i Dan zaljubljenih i skoro da vas poziva da otkrijete bogatstvo i raznolikost istorijske i vinske tradicije Srbije. Svakog 15. februara u Srbiji se obeležava Dan državnosti, u znak sećanja na dan kada je 1804. godine u Orašcu počela borba za oslobođenje od petovekovne vlasti Turske. Za nas u srpskoj nacionalnoj avio-kompaniji taj dan nosi još jedan, dodatni razlog za slavlje i ponos. Naime, prvi let kompanije „Aeroput“, čija smo ponosna naslednica, na ruti između Beograda i Zagreba realizovan je upravo 15. februara davne 1928. godine. Bio je to zvanični početak avijacije na ovim prostorima i stabilan temelj na kojem se naša kompanija, kao i cela avio-industrija i danas gradi i razvija. Hvala vam što letite Er Srbijom i što nam iz godine u godinu ukazujete poverenje. Vaša podrška inspiriše nas da postavljamo nove ciljeve i nadmašujemo prethodne uspehe. Naša misija ostaje nepromenjena, a to je da svako vaše putovanje bude nezaboravna uspomena i priča koju ćete rado deliti. Želimo vam prijatan let i ugodan boravak na odabranoj destinaciji!

Last year proved very successful for our com- pany , with 4.44 million passengers placing their trust in us and another Airbus A330-200 joining our fleet. We flew over 87 routes to 34 countries around the globe, while our network received a further boost with the addition of a new destina- tion in the People’s Republic of China. We’ve been operating two flights a week to Guangzhou and these flights have had a high passenger load factor. We also entered this new year in the spirit of success. Right off the bat, in early January, we launched a direct route between Belgrade and Shanghai. We have thus made a significant contribution to further strengthening bilateral relations between Serbia and China, taking a major stride forward in our mission to make Belgrade the region’s main tourism hub, which people from all over the world will happily visit. Our wide-body jets are currently flying from New York and Chicago in the West, to Guangzhou and Shanghai in the East, and weareextremelyproudofthat.Webelievethatnewopportunities to expand Air Serbia’s long-haul network even further will arise in the year ahead. It will be our pleasure to welcome you aboard all long-haul flights operated by our company, and for you to be part of jour journeys, whether for business or pleasure. Thanks to the global popularity of Valentine’s Day, February has long been considered the month of love and lovers. If you’re seeking a romantic place to spend this special day, we recommend you pay special attention to Portugal, which is featured in this February edition of our inflight magazine. If, on the other hand, you’re coming to Serbia and are ready to get acquainted with the country, we propose that you embark on a wine route tour. The Day of Saint Tryphon, the patron saint of winegrowers, is marked on the same day as Valentine’s Day and invites you to explore the richness and diversity of Serbia’s winemaking tradition. Serbia also marks Statehood Day every 15 th February, commemorating the day in 1804 when the struggle for the country’s liberation from five centuries of Ottoman rule began in the village of Orašac. For us at the Serbian national airline, this day represents another reason for celebration and pride. Namely, the first-ever flight operated by our original predecessor airline, Aeroput, was operated between Belgrade and Zagreb on the very date of 15 th February 1928. This marked the official introduction of commercial aviation to this region and provided a stable foundation that our company, along with the entire aviation industry, has been building and growing on to this day. Thank you for flying with Air Serbia and for placing your trust in us year after year. Your support inspires us to set ambitious new goals and to outdo our previous accomplishments. Our mission remains unchanged: to make your every trip an unforgettable memory and a story that you’ll eagerly recount. We wish you a good flight and a pleasant stay in your chosen destination!

Jirži Marek Jiri Marek

Jirži Marek, Generalni direktor Er Srbija

JIRI Marek, CEO Air Serbia

Er Srbija » Air Serbia | 5



Er SRBIJA air serbia 62.

u fokusu in focus 08.

Er Srbija leti za Šangaj dva puta nedeljno / Air Serbia flies to Shanghai twice a week

Uspešna godina za Er Srbiju: Prevezeno čak 4,44 miliona putnika u 2024. / Successful year for Air Serbia: As many as 4.44 million passengers carried in 2024


Er Srbija i „Čajna sautern erlajns“: Uspostavljena nova kod-šer saradnja / Air Serbia and China Southern Airlines: new codeshare agreement established

Intervju interview 22.

Čandra Vilson: Bejli je ostvarila sve snove / Chandra Wilson: Bailey realised all my dreams

putujte pametno smart travel 12.

 Vodimo vas u Lisabon / We’re taking you to Lisbon

moda fashion 68.

kultura culture 36.

Novi modni izbori: Godina hrabrih muških odela / New fashion choices: year of bold men‘s suits

Zar je važno ko je Benksi? / Does it matter who Banksy is? Top lista za gledanje: Stižu tri HBO superhita / Topping the watchlist: three upcoming HBO shows Čekajući da stigne u Beograd: Slešova lista najboljeg rokenrola / As we await his arrival in Belgrade: Slash‘s list of the best rock’n’rollers



6 | Sadržaj » Contents

The inflight magazine of Air Serbia

Glavna urednica i direktorka izdavaštva / Editor-in-chief and publishing director Jelena Isaković Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor Jelena Pantović Urednički odbor Er Srbije / Air Serbia Editorial Committee Arsen Rudan Šef tehničke redakcije / Chief of the design and layout team Zoran Stojković Tehnički urednik / Design and layout editor Aleksa Vasović Dizajn i lejaut / Design and layout Milica Vasović, Bojana Stanojević Urednik fotografije / Photo Editor Mladen Šurjanac Fotografije / Photography Đorđe Kojadinović, Mitar Mitrović, Milan Ilić, Nenad Mihajlović, Oliver Bunić Foto-agencije / Photo agencies Profimedia.rs, Depositphotos Lektura / Copy editing Bojana Đurić, Jovana Subotić Prevod na engleski / Translation to English Mark Pullen Lektura za engleski / English Copy Editing Mark Pullen Oglašavanje / Advertising Media Impact Srbija Snežana Stojsavljević, izvršni menadžer prodaje oglasnog prostora / Executive Advertising Manager snezana.stojsavljevic@mediaimpact.rs, elevate@mediaimpact.rs Izdavač / Publisher Ringier Srbija Kosovska 10, 11000 Beograd elevate@ringier.rs

destinacija destination 96.

Crkva Sant’Ignasio di Lojola raj za selfije / The

Church of St. Ignatius of Loyola has become a paradise for selfies 100. Ako niste za ski, vreme

ritam grada rhythm of the city 72. Samo za zaljubljene: Romantična mesta u Beogradu / Exclusively for lovers: romantic spots in Belgrade

je za spa / If you’re not up for skiing, now’s the time for a spa

sport sports 106 Hamilton u Ferariju,

Ritam srbije rhythm of serbia 86

Generalni direktor Ringier Srbija / CEO Ringier Serbia Jelena Drakulić Petrović Štampa / Print Rotografika Subotica

spektakl u najavi / Hamilton in Ferrari, a spectacle assured

Dok svet slavi Valentina, mi nazdravljamo Trifunu / While the world celebrates Valentine, we toast Tryphon

Distribucija / Distribution Besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije Free of charge on all Air Serbia flights

Air Serbia inflight magazine

Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača ili Er Srbije i ne mogu se reprodukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa Er Srbijom ili izdavačem. Izdavač i Er Srbija odriču se odgovornost za sadržaj oglasa. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and cannot be related to Air Serbia. Air Serbia does not accept responsibility for advertising content. Air Serbia Review - besplatno na svim letovima Er Srbije / Air Serbia Review - free of charge on all Air Serbia flights / CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд • 659 • ELEVATE : the inflight magazine of Air Serbia / glavni i odgovorni urednik Jelena Isaković. - 2014 (avg.)- . - Beograd : Ringier Axel Springer Srbija, 2014 - (Subotica : Rotografika). - 27 cm • Mesečno. - Tekst uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Je nastavak: Air Serbia Review • ISSN 2466-4073 • Elevate (Beograd) • COBISS.SR- ID 222113804 • Copyright 2013 © Air Serbia All rights reserved

Love is in the air Ljubav je u vazduhu

Zaljubite se u Portugal / Fall in love with Portugal Foto/ Photo: Profimedia

Broj / Issue No. 372 Naslovna strana / Cover Profimedia

Contents » Sadržaj | 7

U fokusu

In focus

Uspešna godina za Er Srbiju Prevezeno čak 4,44 miliona putnika u 2024. Ostvaren je treći najbolji rezultat po broju prevezenih putnika u skoro 98 godina postojanja kompanije Er Srbija je u 2024. godini u redovnom i čarter-saobraćaju prevezla 4,44 milio- na putnika , što je šest odsto više u odnosu na do sada rekordnu 2023. godinu. Sa matičnog aero- droma u Beogradu, kao i druga dva međunarodna aerodroma u Srbiji – niškog i kraljevačkog, kompa- nija je realizovala 47.022 leta, odnosno četiri odsto više u poređenju sa prethodnom godinom. Kada je reč o robi, za proteklih godinu dana srpska nacio- nalna avio-kompanija prevezla je preko 7.144 tona, što je 25,14 odsto više u odnosu na 2023. godinu i ujedno najbolji rezultat od kada kompanija posluje pod sadašnjim imenom.

– Kada smo ušli u 2024. godinu, bili smo sve- sni uspeha koji smo ostvarili tokom 2023. i odlučni da ostvarimo još bolje rezultate, uz fokus na stabilizaciju poslovanja i unapređenje usluge. Dobri poslovni rezul- tati za 2024. pokazuju da smo u tome i uspeli. Za pro- teklih 366 dana leteli smo do 33 zemlje na četiri kon- tinenta i prevezli 4,44 miliona putnika. Napravili smo i važne korake za dalji razvoj avijacije u Republici Srbi- ji – odškolovali smo prvu ženu na kapetanskoj pozici- ji u istoriji kompanije i u saradnji sa Vazduhoplovnom akademijom pokrenuli pilotski kadetski program ko- ji nam daje priliku da potencijalno angažujemo deset perspektivnih mladih pilotkinja i pilota odmah po zavr- šetku školovanja. Ništa od toga ne bi bilo moguće bez predanog rada i zalaganja naših zaposlenih, čija po- svećenost i profesionalizam svakodnevno doprinose ostvarenju ciljeva i daljem napretku poslovanja. Sve- sni da su putnici srž svega što radimo, zahvaljujemo se na poverenju. Kao nacionalna avio-kompanija, osta- jemo posvećeni povezivanju Srbije sa svetom i daljoj izgradnji mostova među ljudima, kulturama i ekono- mijama. Nastavljamo i sa širenjem mreže destinaci- ja modernizacijom flote i unapređenjem svih aspeka- ta poslovanja, kako bismo postigli još bolje rezultate i dodatno osnažili poziciju srpske nacionalne avio-kom- panije na tržištu – rekao je Jirži Marek, generalni direk- tor Er Srbije.

8 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Successful year for Air Serbia As many as 4.44 million passengers carried in 2024 In terms of passengers carried, the Serbian national airline recorded the third best result in the company’s nearly 98-year history Air Serbia carried a total of 4.44 million passengers on its regular and charter flights in 2024 , up 6% compared to the previo- us record-setting year of 2023. The company ope- rated 47,022 flights from its hub in Belgrade, as well as two other international airports in Serbia – Niš and Kraljevo, up 4% year on year. When it comes to car- go traffic, the Serbian national airline transported over 7,144 tonnes of cargo last year, up 25.14% year on ye- ar, marking the best cargo result since the company started operating under its current name. “When we entered 2024, we were aware of the success achieved in 2023 and were determined to achieve even better results, focusing on stabili- sing our operations and upgrading the services. The strong business results in 2024 demonstrate that we accomplished what we set out to do. Over the past 366 days, we have flown to 33 countries across fo- ur continents, carrying over 4.4 million passengers. We have also taken significant steps to further deve- lop the aviation industry in the Republic of Serbia, inc- luding training the first female captain in the com- pany's history and launching a cadet pilot programme in collaboration with the Aviation Academy, allowing us to potentially employ ten promising young pilots immediately upon completion of their training. None of this would have been possible without the dedica- ted work and commitment of our employees, whose professionalism and dedication contribute daily to ac- hieving goals and advancing our business. Aware that passengers are at the heart of everything we do, we thank them for their trust. As the national carrier, we remain committed to connecting Serbia with the wor- ld and building bridges between people, cultures and economies. We will continue expanding our network, modernising the fleet and improving all aspects of our operations to achieve even better results and stren- gthen the position of Serbia's national airline on the market,” said Air Serbia CEO Jiri Marek.

Veća flota Flota Er Srbije u proteklih godinu da- na snažno se razvijala. Od ukupno 27 letelica, tri su širokotrupna aviona, četrnaest je uskotrupnih i deset tur- boprop letelica. Treći „erbas A330- 200“, registarske oznake YU-ARD, brendiran u boje i oznake specijalizo- vane izložbe EXPO 2027, stigao je u Beograd početkom oktobra i sa ozna- kama Er Srbije prvi put je poleteo 18. oktobra na čarter-letu između Beo- grada i Tokija. Bio je to vremenski naj- duži neprekidni let u istoriji srpske na- cionalne avio-kompanije.

Expanded fleet Air Serbia’s fleet also experienced strong growth last year. Of a total of 27 aircraft, three are wide-body jets, four- teen are narrow-body and there are al- so ten turboprop aircraft. The compa- ny’s third Airbus A330-200, registered as YU-ARD and decked out in special EXPO 2027 livery, arrived in Belgrade in early October and joined Air Serbia’s operations with the 18 th October char- ter flight between Belgrade and Tokyo. This was also the Serbian national air- line’s longest non-stop flight in terms of flight time.

CAPA samit Zahvaljujući angažovanju Grada Be- ograda i Er Srbije, prestonica Repu- blike Srbije je u novembru ugostila vi- še od 250 najvećih svetskih lidera i vodećih eksperata avio-industrije, u okviru prestižnog Svetskog samita o avijaciji CAPA 2024. Na taj način Beo- grad je učvrstio svoju poziciju na ma- pi globalne avio-industrije, a Er Srbija se još jednom istakla kao ključni igrač u regionu.

CAPA Summit Thanks to the joint efforts of the City of Belgrade and Air Serbia, Serbia's cap- ital hosted over 250 of the world's top airline leaders and leading aviation in- dustry experts in November under the scope of the prestigious CAPA 2024 International Aviation Summit. This re- inforced Belgrade's position on the global aviation map, with Air Serbia once again standing out as a key re- gional player.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 9

U fokusu / In focus

Salon Er Srbije na beogradskom aerodromu tokom 2024. godine posetilo je više od 86.000 putnika. Salon je najposećeniji bio u julu, kada je zabeleženo preko 9.200 gostiju Air Serbia's Premium Lounge at Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport welcomed over 86,000 passengers in 2024, with July being the busiest month – when it welcomed over 9,200 guests

Brajevo pismo Pred sam kraj godine, prvi put u istoriji kompanije, a u saradnji sa Savezom slepih Srbije, u avione Er Srbije uvedena su uputstva za postupanje u van- rednim okolnostima na Brajevom pismu. Na taj na- čin kompanija je želela da pruži doprinos lakšem putovanju slepih i slabovidih osoba i motiviše ih da lete. Saradnja sa Savezom slepih Srbije potvrđu- je posvećenost srpske nacionalne avio-kompanije društvenoj odgovornosti i unapređenju kvaliteta ži- vota svih građana. Braille Towards the end of last year, for the first time in the company's history and in collaboration with the Union of the Blind of Serbia, Air Serbia introduced emergen- cy procedure instructions in Braille to its planes. This initiative was intended to make travel more accessi- ble for blind and visually impaired individuals, and to encourage them to fly. The partnership with the Un- ion of the Blind of Serbia underscores the national air- line's commitment to social responsibility and improv- ing quality of life for all citizens.

10 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Menzis aviejšn U želji da putnicima pruži još bolje korisničko iskustvo i uslugu, srpska nacionalna avio-kom- panija je u martu 2024. godine zvanično pro- menila operatera zemaljskog opsluživanja na beogradskom aerodromu. Umesto kompani- je „Belgrejd erport“, opslugu vazduhoplova, regi- straciju putnika i prtljaga, kao i njihovo ukrcava- nje na letove srpske nacionalne avio-kompanije počeo je da vrši jedan od vodećih globalnih pru- žalaca usluga zemaljskog opsluživanja, kompa-

nija „Menzis aviejšn“. Menzies Aviation

With the aim of providing passengers with an en- hanced customer experience and service, Ser- bia’s national airline officially changed its ground handling operator at Belgrade Airport in March 2024. Instead of Belgrade Airport Company, air- craft handling, passenger and baggage check-in and boarding for the national airline's flights have been taken over by Menzies Aviation, one of the world’s leading ground handling service providers.

Sve strane sveta Er Srbija je prethodne godine na- stavila da razvija i svoju mrežu. Pr- vi put su uvedeni redovni letovi do Mostara i Guangdžoua u Narod- noj Republici Kini, dok je direktna avio-linija Er Srbije između Beogra- da i Nice obnovljena nakon više go- dina pauze. Neke od najtraženijih destinacija Er Srbije tokom 2024. godine u regionu i bližem okruženju bile su Tivat, Podgorica, Istanbul, Atina, Beč i Ljubljana, dok su u za- padnoj Evropi i evromediteranskoj regiji najpopularnije destinacije bi- le Cirih, Pariz, Larnaka, Barselo- na, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Milano, London, Rim. Kada je reč o dugo- linijskom saobraćaju, Er Srbija je u 2024. godini letela od Guangdžo- ua na istoku do Njujorka i Čikaga na zapadu. Shodno strateškim ciljevi- ma i težnji kompanije da dodatno razvija dugolinijski saobraćaj, već početkom 2025. godine u mrežu je uvedena nova redovna linija izme- đu Beograda i Šangaja.

Worldwide Air Serbia continued to expand its net- work over the course of 2024. Regular flights were introduced to Mostar and Guangzhou in the People's Republic of China for the first time, while the direct route between Belgrade and Nice was restored after several years. Air Ser- bia's most sought-after destinations in 2024 within the region and surround- ing area included Tivat, Podgorica, Is- tanbul, Athens, Vienna and Ljubljana. The airline’s most popular destinations In Western Europe and the Euro-Med- iterranean region included Zurich, Par- is, Larnaca, Barcelona, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Milan, London and Rome. When it comes to long-haul routes, Air Serbia operated flights in 2024 from Guangzhou in the East to New York and Chicago in the West. Aligning with its strategic goals and the company's aspiration to further develop long-haul traffic, a new scheduled destination between Belgrade and Shanghai was introduced to the network at the be- ginning of 2025.

Kuća slavnih Rezultati Er Srbije prepoznati su širom sveta, pa je sredinom 2024. godine uvrštena u „ATW“ Kuću slavnih, rame uz rame sa najprestižnijim avio-kompanijama sveta. Poznati američki ma- gazin „Global Traveler“ proglasio ju je za najbolju avio-kompaniju u istočnoj Evropi, a potvrda bri- ge o korisničkom iskustvu došla je i od specijali- zovanog portala „Er Help“, koji je Er Srbiju uvrstio na visoko 10. mesto na svojoj godišnjoj listi Naj- boljih avio-kompanija za 2024. godinu. ATW Hall of Fame Air Serbia's achievements gained global recog- nition in 2024, with the airline earning a place in the ATW Hall of Fame alongside the world's most prestigious carriers. Renowned Ameri- can magazine Global Traveler declared Air Ser- bia the best airline in Eastern Europe, while its commitment to customer experience was ac- knowledged by the specialised portal AirHelp, which ranked Air Serbia 10 th on its annual list of the Best Airlines in 2024.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 11



12 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Lisabon / Lisbon 240 min. od Beograda: from Belgrade:


me scan


Ljubav na prvi pogled Love at first sight

Imagine strolling hand in hand along the enchanting streets of Lisbon, a city renowned for its potent mix of light, beauty and history. From its rooftops to its tiled streets, Lisbon is a city that many people fall in love wi - th at first sight. It should come as no surprise, then, that Lisbon is also one of the most enchanting places in the world to spend your Valentine’s Day. Picture dining at a quaint riverside restaurant, where the clink of glasses and the soft murmur of conversati - on merge with the lapping of the Tagus. There’s the ma - gic of sunset viewed from the Miradouro de São Pedro de Alcântara. With the city’s panorama stretching befo - re you and the soft strumming of a guitar in the backgro - und, it’s a moment when time stands still. As the night descends, fado houses open their doors, inviting cou - ples to experience the soulful melodies of Portugal’s most iconic music. Fado resonates with tales of love and longing, creating a soulful ambiance and a chance to surrender to the power of connection. For those seeking a more serene evening, a stroll along the banks of the Ta - gus, with the reflection of the moon dancing on the ri - ver’s surface, provides a gorgeous backdrop for a lovely Valentine’s Day. Without further ado, but with a reminder that Air Serbia flies to Lisbon twice a week, here we reveal our top spots to celebrate Valentine’s Day in the Portuguese capital! Zamislite da šetate ruku pod ruku šarmantnim ulicama Lisabona, grada poznatog po snažnoj mešavini svetlo - sti, lepote i istorije. Od rumenih krovova do ulica sa ploči - cama, Lisabon je grad u koji se mnogi zaljube već na prvi pogled. Ne bi trebalo da čudi da je taj grad takođe jed - no od najočaravajuć ih mesta na svetu na kojem možete provesti Dan zaljubljenih. Možda večera u restoranu pored reke, gde se zveckanje čaša i tihi žamor razgovora stapaju sa zvukom talasa re - ke Težo? Tu je i magija zalaska sunca sa vidikovca Mira - doro de Sao Pedro de Alkantara i panorama grada koja se pruža pred vama. Čuju se tihi zvuci gitare u pozadini, a vreme na trenutak staje... Kako se noć spušta, fado kuć e otvaraju svoja vrata, pozivajuć i parove da iskuse melodi - je čuvene portugalske muzike. Fado odjekuje pričama o ljubavi i čežnji, stvarajuć i ambijent i priliku da se prepu - stite ljubavi bez zadrške. Za one koji traže mirnije veče, šetnja duž reke Težo, sa odsjajem meseca na njenoj po - vršini, predstavlja prelepu pozadinu za Dan zaljubljenih. I zato bez daljeg odlaganja – Er Srbija leti za Lisabon dva puta nedeljno, pa hajde da otkrijemo najbolja mesta za proslavu ljubavi.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 13

Isplanirajte romantičan lisabonski Dan zaljubljenih sa svojom, kako kažu na portugalskom, „drugom polovinom pomorandže“ (metade da laranja)

Putovanje brodom u zalazak sunca Ima nečeg veoma filmskog u plovidbi duž re - ke, sa širokim otvorenim nebom koje se pru - ža iznad vas i laganim vetrom koji mrsi kosu. Oduševite svoju posebnu osobu vožnjom niz reku Težo, najbolje u vreme zalaska sunca ka - ko biste videli sedam lisabonskih brda oku - panih mekim zlatnim sjajem. Već ina brodi - ća nudi lokalna vina i predjela, dodajuć i dašak portugalske gastronomske čarolije ovom ro - mantičnom putovanju. Uživajte u pogledu Ovekovečite trenutak na jednom od fantastič - nih gradskih miradora (vidikovaca), malih par - kova koji se nalaze na strmim padinama br - da od kojih svako nudi jedinstven pogled koji oduzima dah. Među omiljenima je Miradoro de Santa Lusija, jedan od najlepših vidikova - ca koji se nalazi iznad Alfame, ukrašen zadiv - ljujuć om kombinacijom tipičnih plavih i belih mozaika od pločica i kaskadnih cvetova ljubi - častih stabala bugenvilije. Kristo Rej, ogromna statua Hrista koja se nalazi na južnoj strani reke Težo, najviši je u gradu i izvanredno me - sto za poljubac u holivudskom stilu. Narav - no, čim dođete do daha! Ipak, Miradoro de Sao Pedro de Alkantara je možda najlepši vidiko - vac u gradu. Ne samo da je to jedna od najvi - ših tačaka, sa obiljem klupa na više nivoa i im - presivnim pogledom na Kastelo de Sao Žorge i Avenida da Liberdade, već se nalazi i na Prin - sipe Realu koji ima mnoštvo fantastičnih re - storana.

You can plan a truly romantic Lisbon Valentine’s Day with your other half, or, as they say in Portuguese, your other “metade da laranja” (half orange)

14 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Sunset cruise There’s something cinematic about drifting along a river, a wide, open sky stretching abo - ve you and a light wind rustling your hair. De - light your special someone with a boat ride down the Tagus, which is best taken at sun - set, just to behold Lisbon’s seven hills bathed in a soft golden glow. Most sunset cruises provide local wines and appetisers, adding a touch of Portuguese gastronomy to this ro - mantic voyage. Take in the view at a miradouro Create a memorable moment at one of the ci - ty’s fantastic miradouros (observation points), small parks situated on steep hillsides that offer unique and breathtaking vistas. Among the favourites are Miradouro de Santa Luzia, one of the prettiest observation points, loca - ted above Alfama and decorated with a begu - iling combination of typical blue and white tile mosaics and cascading blooms of purple bo - ugainvillea trees. The Cristo Rei, an immense statue of Christ located on the southern side of the Tagus, is the highest statue in the city and a remarkable spot for a breathless, Hollywo - od-style kiss with your significant other. Mira - douro de São Pedro de Alcântara is perhaps the most beautiful observation point in the city. Not only is it one of the city’s largest observa - tion points, with ample benches on multiple le - vels and impressive panoramic views of Caste - lo de São Jorge and Avenida da Liberdade, it is also located in Príncipe Real, which is home to a host of delicious restaurants. Buy flowers at Pequeno Jardim Looking for a romantic gift for your loved one? Head to florists Pequeno Jardim (Little Gar - den) in Chiado, one of the oldest establish - ments in the neighbourhood and certainly one of the oldest florists in Lisbon. Established in 1922, this tiny place barely extends beyond the doorway, yet its wonderful array of vibrant flowers spill out onto the pavement and cause many a passerby to stop and admire this mi - niature botanical wonderland. In fact, Peque - no Jardim is so charming that you won’t want to deprive your loved one of the chance to re - vel in the heady perfume of its lilies and ro - ses, so instead of simply buying a bouquet you can spend a delightful half an hour the - re together, selecting the most enchanting flo - ral display. Spend an evening at São Carlos If you and your partner are music lovers, why not book tickets for one of the shows at the

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 15

Cveć e u „Maloj bašti“ Tražite romantičan poklon za svoju voljenu oso - bu? Idite u „Pekenjo žardim“ (Mala bašta) u Šija - du, jednu od najstarijih prodavnica u komšiluku i svakako jednu od najstarijih cveć a - ra u gradu. Osnovano 1922. godine, ovo sić ušno mesto jedva se proteže dalje od ulaza, ali se nje - gov divni niz živopisnog cveć a preliva na troto - ar i zahteva od prolaznika da se zaustave i dive ovoj minijaturnoj botaničkoj oazi. U stvari, „Ma - la bašta“ je toliko šarmantna da objekat svoje naklonosti neć ete želeti da lišite prilike da uži - va u opojnom mirisu ljiljana i ruža. Zato idite ta - mo zajedno i provedite sreć nih pola sata biraju - ć i buketić. Noć u Sao Karlosu Ako ste vi i vaš partner ljubitelji muzike, za - što ne rezervišete karte za neku od predstava u legendarnom pozorištu „Sao Karlos“ u Šija - du? Prekrasna zgrada u stilu rokokoa izgrađena 1793. godine prikazuje uglavnom recitale klasič - ne muzike, balet i operu i predstavlja fantastič - no okruženje za elegantan večernji izlazak. Obu - cite nešto otmeno, naručite čašu šampanjca u baru i uđite u ovu kultnu zabavnu instituciju, ru -

legendary São Carlos Theatre in Chiado? The gorgeous Rococo building that dates back to 1793 shows mostly classical music recitals, ballet and opera and is a fabulous setting for an elegant evening out. Slip into something classy, order a glass of champagne at the bar and glide into this iconic entertainment insti - tution, arm in arm with your loved one. This theatre also hosts free outdoor concerts on the square in front during summer, for tho - se seeking a less formal but equally special experience. Take a train ride to Sintra Lovers in search of a truly fairytale day out should jump on the train to Sintra, home to the summer palaces of Portugal’s former mo - narchs. The bright colours and crumbling towers of the palaces, nestled among lush greenery or perched atop dizzyingly high hills, give this village a fantastical landscape. Sin - tra’s history is filled with tales of love and pa - ssion among the royal family, so you can lo - se yourself in its world of wonder and intrigue, hand in hand with your own fairytale prince or princess.

16 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

ku pod ruku sa voljenom osobom. U leto pozo - rište je domać in besplatnih koncerata na otvo - renom na trgu ispred zgrade, za one koji traže manje formalno, ali jednako posebno iskustvo. Sintra Tragajući za pravim bajkovitim danom trebalo bi da uskočite u voz za Sintru, dom letnjih pala - ta bivših kraljeva i kraljica Portugala. Svetle bo - je i trošne kule ušuškane među bujno zelenilo ili smeštene na vrtoglavo visokim brdima, da - ju ovom selu primesu fantazije. Istorija Sintre je puna priča o ljubavi i strasti članova kraljevske porodice, tako da možete da se izgubite u svetu intriga, ruku pod ruku sa svojim princem ili prin - cezom iz bajke. Degustacija vina Zajedničko ispijanje flaše vina može imati goto - vo magičnu moć da zbliži ljude. Motivišite Kupi - dona tako što ć ete učestvovati u večernjoj de - gustaciji nekog od ukusnih portugalskih vina, angažujuć i sva čula u jednostavnom, ali poseb - nom iskustvu koje neć ete zaboraviti. Neka vas baršunaste boje i snažne arome vina zanesu dok delite romantično, prijatno veče. Jedno od odličnih mesta za vinsko iskustvo je „Garrafei - ra Imperial“ u restoranu „Tapas 47“, koji se mo - že pohvaliti impresivnim izborom nacionalnih vina i porta.

Indulge in a wine tasting evening Sharing a bottle of wine can have an almost celestial power when it comes to bringing pe - ople together. Give Cupid a nudge by spending an evening tasting some of Portugal’s dele - ctable wines, engaging your senses in a sim - ple yet special experience that you won’t for - get. Let the wines’ velvety colours and potent aromas envelop you both as you share a ro - mantic, indulgent evening. One great place for a wine experience is the Garrafeira Imperial, located in the restaurant Tapas 47 and boa - sting an impressive selection of national wi - nes and port.

18 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 19

Čokoladni raj zvani Landau Ništa ne govori Dan zaljubljenih tako kao čoko - lada, a na sreć u, Lisabon je dom tri ogranka le - gendarnog Landaua, iliti onoga za šta se mno- gi slažu da je najbolja čokoladna torta na celom svetu. Na ovaj poseban dan dozvolite sebi tre - nutak čiste dekadencije tako što ć ete sa vo - ljenom osobom podeliti parče ove delikatne, sočne, slojevite čokoladne fantazije... A zatim naručite drugu krišku jer jedna jednostavno ni - je dovoljna! Večera i fado u „A Severa“ Ako zaista želite da svom Danu zaljubljenih da - te poseban portugalski stih, rezervišite večeru u „A Severa“, najstarijoj fado kuć i u Lisabonu, koju od 1955. godine vodi ista porodica. Meko osvet - ljenje i zvuk fada koji dira dušu u kombinaciji sa odličnom uslugom i ukusnom tradicionalnom portugalskom hranom čine zaista nezaborav - no romantično veče. Tokom večere u ovom re - storanu verovatno ć ete čuti tri ili četiri različita fado izvođača. Svaki put kada fado počne, sve - tla se gase, sve utihne, a magija počinje... Dobro došli u Lisabon!

20 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

Experience chocolate heaven at Landeau Nothing says Valentine’s Day quite like choco - late, and Lisbon is luckily home to three bran - ches of the legendary Landeau, purveyors of what many agree is the world’s finest choco - late cake. On this special day, allow yourself a moment of pure decadence by sharing a slice of delicate, moist, layered chocolate cake with your loved one… and then order another slice, because one simply isn’t enough! Enjoy dinner and fado at A Severa If you truly want to give your Valentine’s Day that special Portuguese touch, make a reser - vation for dinner at A Severa, Lisbon’s oldest fado house, which has been run by the same family since 1955. The soft lighting and so - ul-stirring sound of fado, combined with ex - cellent service and delicious traditional Por - tuguese food, make for a truly unforgettable romantic evening. During the course of your evening at A Severa, you will likely hear three to four different fado performers. Each time the fado starts, the lights dim and everything goes quiet as the magic happens. Welcome to Lisbon!

Zadivljujuć a arhitektura Lisabona i povoljna klima čine ga idealnom pozadinom za svaku ljubavnu priču Lisbon’s stunning architecture and favourable climate make it an ideal backdrop for any love story


MAIA.HOMEDRESS, a premium silk brand, is celebrated for its exquisite pyja- ma sets. Each MAIA silk piece is crafted with care, adhering to the principles of slow fashion and meticulous handcraf- ting. Making them unique is their timele- ss style and custom tailoring. Personali- sation options are also available, allowing you to add your own initials or those of a loved one. The Secret Lies in the Details Distinguishing the MAIA brand is its unparalleled attention to detail. Every sti- tch tells a story of quality, sustainable fas- hion and silk that perfectly complements moments of relaxation and indulgen- ce. Beyond pyjama sets, the MAIA store offers a selection of silk dresses, uniquely designed blouses, the finest fashion pie- ces and accessories. Let your days of love be enriched with gifts that carry deeper meaning. Visit our MAIA Premium Store in Bel- grade, at 11/2 Vojvode Dobrnjca Street.

MAIA.HOMEDRESS, premium silk brend, prepoznatljiv je po svojim kvalitetnim pidža- ma setovima. Svi MAIA komadi od svile na- pravljeni su po principu spore mode i ručne izrade. Ono što ih odlikuje je vanvremen- ski stil i šivenje po meri. Omogućena je per- sonalizacija pidžame, sa vašim inicijalima, ili onih koje najviše volite. Tajna je u detaljima MAIA brend izdvaja se po tome što vodi nenandmašnu brigu o detaljima. Kroz sva- ki šav, satkana je priča o kvalitetu, održivoj modi i svili koja se savršeno uklapa u poseb- ne trenutke opuštanja. Pored pidžama se- tova, u MAIA store-u možete da pronađe- te haljine od svile, bluze unikatnog dizajna, najfinije modne komade i asesoare. Neka dani ljubavi budu prožeti pokloni- ma sa dubljim značenjem. Posetite MAIA premium store u Beo- gradu, na adresi Vojvode Dobrnjca 11/2.

Maia.homedress www.maia.rs

Promo » Promo | 21



Čandra Vilson Bejli mi je ostvarila sve snove Gledaoci koji sada prate „Uvod u anatomiju“ nisu bili ni rođeni u vreme premijernih epizoda, a naše priče su im i dalje zanimljive. Tom logikom mi bismo ovu seriju zaista mogli da radimo zauvek, kaže glumica

Jedno od zaštitnih li- ca serijala „Uvod u ana- tomiju“, uz Elen Pompeo, od samog početka je i američka glu- mica Čandra Vilson, bez čije bi Mirande Bejli bilo gotovo nemo- guće zamisliti sale i hodnike bol- nice „Memorijal Grej-Sloun“. Ali izgleda da nećemo ni morati da zamišljamo život bez ove serije, budući da nova, 21. sezona poči- nje sredinom februara na kanalu „Star Life“ i davaće se svakog če- tvrtka. Sa novim epizodama vra- ćaju nam se i stari, dobro znani junaci ovog maratonskog proce- durala nagrađenog sa četiri Emi- ja i skoro 40 nominacija za isto priznanje. Vraća nam se tako i simpatična Bejli, koja za „Ele- vejt“ otkriva da je za nju „Uvod

u anatomiju“ poseban oblik za- visnosti kojeg ne planira da se odrekne. – U jednom trenutku bila sam pomalo zabrinuta za naše gleda- oce. Prošlo je 20 godina otkako smo počeli sa emitovanjem. Gle- daoci koji nas sada prate nisu bi- li ni rođeni u vreme naših pre- mijernih epizoda, a priče su im i dalje zanimljive. Tom logikom mi bismo ovu seriju zaista mogli da radimo zauvek. Nadam se da ću se penzionisati pre Bejli – uz smeh započinje razgovor glumica ističući da je, što duže serija tra- je, ona sve rešenija da završi ono što je započela.

– Ako izuzmemo činjenicu da je reč o sjajnoj seriji koja mi dono- si platu, čini mi se da je jedini dru- gi razlog moja čista tvrdoglavost. Taj uporni i zadrti deo mene daje mi motivaciju da započnem i za- vršim sve što radim. Ako sam ne- što počela, to ću i završiti. Ostajem uz „Uvod u anatomiju“ do samog kraja – do poslednje sekunde, po- slednjeg dana, poslednje epizode. To je ono što želim da radim, i to sam ponavljala sa finalom svake sezone. Uvek sam bila sigurna da ću tu biti i one sledeće. Šta me je zadržalo u svetu „Uvoda u anato- miju?“ Čista odlučnost. Kako doživljavate

Šta je to što vas i dalje drži u svetu „Uvoda u anatomiju“?

Mirandu Bejli danas? Koliko se promenila od početka serije?

22 | Intervju » Interview

Čandra Vilson je američka glumica i rediteljka, najpoznatija po ulozi dr Mirande Bejli u Ej-Bi-Sijevoj televizijskoj drami „Uvod u anatomiju“

Chandra Wilson is an American actress and director who is best known for her role as Dr. Miranda Bailey in the ABC television drama Grey’s Anatomy

– Dopada mi se što smo je vi- deli u mnogim fazama. Pakleno mnogo izazova je proživela, a i ja sa njom. Od specijalizanta koji vo- di pet novih stažista sjajnih očiju u bolnici „Sijetl Grejs“, pa sve do šefa hirurgije u bolnici „Memorijal Grej-Sloun“. Od porođaja do tre- nutka kada je na svojim rukama u poslednjim trenucima držala jed- nog od podređenih koji je iskrvario nakon masovne pucnjave. Bejli je izgubila mamu zbog virusa, podne- la ostavku na mesto šefa hirurgije, jer je korona odnela mnogo života među zdravstvenim osobljem. Iza- zovi menjaju ljude, to je činjenica. Pa čak i kada sve to samo glumite, posle 20 godina nemoguće je da se i vi barem malo ne promenite sa tim izmaštanim svetom. Koliko za vas kao glumicu znači činjenica da jedan posao radite dve decenije? – Za svakog glumca to je ne- verovatna prilika. Ostvarenje že- lje. Za mene je to jedan od najbo- ljih svetova, onaj u kom mogu da glumim svakog dana i da se u toj ulozi osećam kao na svom terenu. Često ljudi kažu: „Da, ali glumiš je- dan isti lik 20 godina. Kako je mo- guće da ti ne dosadi?“ I da, to jeste jedna žena, ali ona se toliko me- njala, a ja sam uživala u toj evo- luciji kroz koju je prošla. Doživela sam ovu ulogu kao eksperiment u kom smo Bejli i ja pratile 20 godina jedna drugu. To je ono što glumci rade. Uz to, veliko je olakšanje u egzistencijalnom smislu kada dve decenije odlazite na posao za ko- ji znate da vam je zagarantovan. Svakog dana se budite znajući gde idete i šta je to što radite. Sećate li se Čandre Vilson pre Mirande Bejli? – Naravno. Zanimljivo je da sam na početku serije imala do- zu zadrške prema tome da li ću se svim srcem upustiti u „Uvod u anatomiju“ ili ću čekati još neko vreme da bih sve stavila na kocku. Do te mere da sam se svog prvo- bitnog posla odrekla tek pri kraju

chandra wilson Bailey realised all my dreams Viewers who are today watching Grey’s Anatomy weren’t even born when the first episodes premiered, yet they are still interested in our stories. According to that logic, we could really do this series forever, says this actress

druge sezone. Jednostavno je teš- ko za mladog glumca da uloži svu energiju u jedan posao. U to vre- me više sam bila okrenuta radu u pozorištu i, naravno, audicijama za sve moguće serije koje se snima- ju u Njujorku. „Red i zakon“, oba- vezno sapunice, tu se kali zanat u svakom glumcu... Čak i jedna epi- zoda „Seksa i grada“. Sva ta isku- stva su mnogo pomogla da pro- nađem svoj put kasnije. S druge strane, uverila su me da je mogu- će živeti od glume. Da, podrazu- meva mnogo audicija i prihvatanje svakakvih uloga, ali ako ću svake nedelje dobijati ček koji ću moći da unovčim – to je posao. Narav- no, u međuvremenu sam zadržala sve svoje privremene poslove ko- ji su mi plaćali stanarinu. A onda se dogodio „Uvod u anatomiju“.

One of the faces of the series Grey’s Anatomy since its inception, together with Ellen Pompeo, is American actress Chan- dra Wilson. It would be almost im- possible to imagine the halls and corridors of Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital without her character of Bailey, but it seems as though we won’t have to imagine life without this series, given that the new 21 st season is set to be aired on the Star Life channel every Thursday as of mid-February. Returning with the new episodes are established and

Tekst / Words: Nikola Dražović Fotografije / Photography: Star / ABC

Interview » Intervju | 23

Intervju / Interview

As an actress, how much does it mean to you that you’ve been doing one job for two decades? - That’s an incredible opportu- nity for any actor; a dream come true. For me, it is one of the best worlds – one in which I can act every day, and I feel at home in that role. People often say: “Yes, but you’ve been playing the same character for 20 years. How come you don’t get bored?” And, yes, that is one wom- an, but she’s changed so much, and I’ve enjoyed the evolution that she’s gone through. I experienced this role as an experiment in which Bailey and I followed each other for 20 years. That’s what actors do. Fur- thermore, it’s a huge relief in an existential sense when you spend two decades going to a job that you know is guaranteed. You wake up every day knowing where you’re go- ing and what it is that you’re doing. Do you even remember Chandra Wilson before Miranda Bailey? - Of course. It is interesting that I was initially slightly hesi- tant about whether I would dive in- to Grey’s Anatomy with all my heart or whether I’d wait a little longer to risk everything. To the extent that I only gave up my day job at the end of season two. It is simply dif- ficult for a young actor to, as they say, place all their eggs in one bas- ket. I was more focused on theatre work at that time, and of course au- ditioning for every possible series that was being shot in New York. Law & Order, obligatory soap operas – that’s where every actor masters their craft... Even one episode of Sex and The City. All those experienc- es helped me a lot when it came to finding my way later. On the oth- er hand, they convinced me that it’s possible to make a living from acting. Yes, that implies lots of au- ditions, and accepting all sorts of roles, but if I’m going to get a cheque that I can cash every week – that’s work. Naturally, in the meantime I kept all the temporary jobs that paid the rent. And then Grey’s Anat- omy happened.

well-known heroes of this marathon procedural drama that has won four Emmys and received almost 40 nom- inations for the same award. Among those returning is the likeable Bai- ley, who reveals here for Elevate that Grey’s Anatomy represents a special form of addiction for her that she doesn’t plan to get over. - I was a little concerned about our viewers at one point. Twenty years have passed since we started broadcasting. Viewers who are to- day watching Grey’s Anatomy wer- en’t even born when the first epi- sodes premiered, yet they are still interested in our stories. According to that logic, we could really do this series forever. I hope that I will re- tire before Bailey – says this actress, beginning our conversation with a laugh and noting that, the longer the series lasts, the more determined she is to finish what she started. What keeps you in the world of Grey’s Anatomy? - Apart from the fact that it’s a wonderful series that gives me a salary, it seems to me that the only other reason is my sheer pig-head- edness. That tenacious and stub- born part of me provides the moti- vation for me to be a “starter” and a “finisher” of everything I do. If I’ve started something, I’ll also finish it.

I’ll stick with Grey’s Anatomy until the very end – until the final sec- ond, the final day, the final episode. That’s what I want to do, and I’ve repeated that with the culmination of every season. I was always cer- tain that I’d be there for the next seasons too. What has kept me in the world of Grey’s Anatomy? Sheer determination. How do you see Miranda Bailey today? How much has she changed since the launch of the show? - I like that we’ve seen her in many different phases. She has en- dured a hell of a lot of challenges, and me with her. From a resident managing five enthusiastic new in- terns at Seattle’s Grace Hospital to the Chief of Surgery at Grey Sloan Memorial. From giving birth, to the moment when she held one of her juniors in her last moments as she bled to death following a mass shooting. Bailey lost her mom to the virus, and resigned from the posi- tion of chief of surgery because cov- id had taken so many lives among healthcare personnel. Challenges change people, that’s a fact. And even when you’re just acting, af- ter 20 years it’s impossible not to change with that imaginary world, at least a little.

Veliko je olakšanje u

egzistencijalnom smislu kada dve decenije odlazite na posao za koji znate da vam je zagarantovan It’s a huge relief in an existential sense when you spend two decades going

to a job that you know is guaranteed

24 | Intervju » Interview

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Srbija je zemlja u kojoj kultura nikad ne spava. Događaja iz svih oblasti umetnosti je previše da bi bili nabrojani, mi smo izdvojili samo neke, a vi uživajte otkrivajući Srbiju i njenu bogatu kulturu / Serbia is a country where culture never sleeps. There are too many events in all fields of art to list them all, so here we’ve singled out just a few, and it’s up to you to enjoy discovering Serbia and its rich culture

26 | U trendingu » Trending

U trendingu / trending

KLABING / CLUBBING Nema zime uz dobrog di-džeja There’s no winter with a good DJ Jedan od najatraktivnijih beogradskih klubova „Karmako- ma“, otvoren u prostoru nekadašnje bašte kluba „Drugsto- re“, posle izuzetno uspešne prve sezone u novu godinu ula- zi sa značajnim novitetima. Ambicioznim programom i haj-end „L’Acoustics“ saund sistemom, zbog kog je i po- stao izbor broj jedan na bogatoj klupskoj sceni Beogra- da, u februaru donosi prave poslastice za sve ljubitelje do- brog klupskog zvuka. Otvara nastup Južnoafrikanca Ese, kome će baš 1. februara biti povratak u Beograd, a vraćaju se i čuveni beogradski zabavljači, Luton i Šćepa (7. februa- ra). Vlasnik milanske prodavnice ploča „Serendipity“, Nikola Maceti, dolazi 8. februara, dok za Dan zaljubljenih gostu- je suosnivač nekadašnjeg „Red Light“ radija – Orpheu The Wizard. Bogati februarski program nastavlja se nastupima Manfredasa – rezidenta „Opium“ kluba u Vilnusu, koji na- stupa 21. februara, a dan kasnije, 22. februara, gostuje Fi- lip Oterbah.

One of Belgrade’s most attractive clubs, Karmakoma, has reo- pened in the former garden of the club Drugstore. Following an ex- tremely successful first season, it has entered the new year with significant innovations. With an ambitious programme and a high- end L’Acoustics sound system that has made it the number one choice on Belgrade’s rich clubbing scene, it is bringing genuine treats for all lovers of good club sounds in February. Opening the month will be the performance of South African Esa Williams, who returns to Belgrade on 1 st February, while famous Belgrade enter- tainers Luton and Šćepa are also returning (7 th February). Nicola Mazzetti, owner of Milanese record shop Serendipity, arrives on 8 th February, while the club’s guest performer for Valentine’s Day is Or- pheu The Wizard, co-founder of the former Red Light Radio. Febru- ary’s rich programme continues with the set of Manfredas – a res- ident of Vilnius’s Opium club, who is performing at Karmakoma on 21 st February, while a day later, on 22 nd February, the guest DJ will be Philipp Otterbach.


Od 14. do 17. februara 2025. na sceni Centra „Sava“ srpska publika imaće priliku da čuje čuvene „Belle“, „Danse mon Esmeralda“, i „Le temps des cathédra- les“ u mjuziklu na francuskom jeziku. Predstava je doživela ogroman uspeh: mjuzikl je išao osam nede- lja uzastopno, a karte su bile rasprodate mesecima pre premijere. „Notre Dame de Paris“ je sjajan primer neviđenog uspeha francuskog mjuzikla u svetu. Po broju proda- tih karata u prvoj godini postavke francuska verzija je ušla u Ginisovu knjigu rekorda. Legendarna „Belle“ je priznata kao najbolja pesma 20. veka u Francuskoj. Serbian audiences will have an opportunity to hear the famous songs Belle, Danse mon Esmeralda and Le temps des cathédrales in this French-language musical, performed on the stage of Belgrade’s Sa- va Centre from 14 th to 17 th February. This show has ex- perienced huge success, with the musical running for eight consecutive weeks and tickets selling out months ahead of the premiere. Notre-Dame de Paris is a wonderful example of the un- precedented success of French musicals around the world. This version entered the Guinness Book of Re- cords on the basis of the number of tickets sold in the first year of the show. Legendary song Belle was also proclaimed the best song of the 20 th century in France.

„Notre Dame de Paris“ Notre-Dame de Paris

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