Elevate February 2025 | Air Serbia

Grejanje termalnim vodama / Heat up with thermal waters

Ako niste za ski, vreme je za spa If you’re not up for skiing, it’s time for a spa Februar je vreme kada su planinski vrhovi još uvek beli, pa ljubitelji snega hrle na zimske sportove. Ali ima možda i lepših načina da provedete vikend ovog meseca – u nekom od divnih, vrelih bazena okolnih banja / February is a month when mountain tops are still white, prompting lovers of snow to flock to enjoy winter sports. But there are perhaps better ways to spend a weekend during this month – bathing in one of the wonderful, hot pools of nearby spas

Još su stari Rimljani, poznati he- donisti i ljubitelji lepog života , ko- ristili geotermalna bogatstva svojih provincija u kojima su provodili dane, a često i mesece odmo- ra i tako krepili dušu i telo. Do danas se zadržao trend odlazaka u banje, terme, spa centre, kako god da ih nazovete, jedno je sigurno – preporodi- ćete se. Vodimo vas malo po regionu, iz Beograda ćete lako odleteti do ovih gradova, ali imajte na umu da je izbor gotovo neograničen i da za sva- koga postoji nešto.

The ancient Romans, who were known hedonists and lovers of the good life , took advantage of the geothermal wealth of their prov- inces, where they spent days, and often even months, relaxing and strengthening their bodies and souls. The trend of visiting spas, thermal baths, spa centres – how- ever you call them – has remained to this day. And one thing is certain: you’ll depart feeling reborn. Here we’re taking you around the spas of the region, to cities that you can fly to easily from Belgrade, but keep in mind that the choice is almost endless and that there’s some- thing for everyone..

Tekst / Words: Jelena Pantović Fotografije / Photography: Profimedia.rs, Depositphotos

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