Ako sletite u ljubljanu IF YOU LAND IN LJUBLJANA
Slovenia is considered one of the top locations when it comes to wellness and spa programmes, which is why their spas enjoy great popularity. They stand out for their sophisticated complexes and rich tourist offer, but above all for their health benefits. Over a relatively small territory, contrasting geo- graphical characteristics intersect and give this country a unique cli- matic and geological picture, where alpine, Mediterranean and conti- nental climates collide. Terme Čatež This spa has had the status of a natural health resort since 1962 and is today among Slovenia’s most suc- cessful resorts. The thermal water of this spa, which is situated between the rivers Sava and Krka, in the foot- hills of Gorjanci Mountain, was dis- covered more than 200 years ago. The spa boasts 11 hot springs, with the waters emerging from depths of 300 to 600 metres and at tem- peratures from 58 to 63°C, and at one time they were considered the hottest in the kingdom. The Terme Čatež pool complex remains among the area’s leading attractions. Terme Krka This is home to perhaps the most famous wellness complex in Slovenia. Located in the southeast of the coun- try, the hot baths are actually found in the Dolenjska region, the munic- ipality of Šmarješke Toplice and the town of Otočec. Terme Krka has the longest tradition of spa tourism in Europe, with the first swimming pool having been built in Dolenjs- ka Toplice in the mid-17 th century, while Šmarješke Toplice was the first spa in Slovenia to combine wellness and modern knowledge from classical medicine to develop medico-wellness. You will find Terme Krka where na- ture offers the most: among the roll- ing hills of the Dolenjska region, rich in hot springs, and in the Primorska region, where a soothing sea breeze caresses you togethers with the waves of the pool. Otočec is famous for its romantic castle built on an islet in the middle of the river Krka.
Slovenija se smatra jednom od najvrednijih lokacija kada su velnes i spa programi u pitanju, pa njihove terme uživaju veliku popularnost. Ističu se sofisticiranim kompleksima i bogatom turističkom ponudom, ali iznad svega – zdravstvenim blago- detima. Na relativno maloj teritoriji spajaju se različite geografske odli- ke i to ovoj zemlji daje jedinstvenu klimatsko-geološku sliku. Naime, u ovoj zemlji se ukrštaju alpska, sre- dozemna i kontinentalna klima. Terme Čatež Ove terme imaju status prirod- nog lečilišta još od 1962. godine, a danas su postale jedno od najuspeš- nijih lečilišta u Sloveniji. Termalna voda u banji koja se nalazi između reka Save i Krke, u podnožju pla- nine Gorjanci, otkrivena je pre vi- še od 200 godina. U termama po- stoji 11 izvora termalne vode, koja dolazi iz dubine 300 do 600 meta- ra i sa temperaturom od 58 °C do 63 °C, a svojevremeno su smatra-
ne najtoplijima u banovini. Njihovi bazenski kompleksi su i sada jedna od vodećih atrakcija. Terme Krka U Termama Krka se nalazi možda i najpoznatiji velnes kom- pleks u Sloveniji. Terme se nalaze u jugoistočnom delu zemlje i zapravo obuhvataju Dolenjske, Šmarješke Toplice i grad Otočec. Terme Kr- ka imaju najdužu tradiciju u banj- skom turizmu u Evropi jer je prvo kupalište izgrađeno u Dolenjskim Toplicama sredinom 17. veka, dok su Šmarješke Toplice prve terme u Sloveniji koje su udružile velnes i savremena saznanja iz klasične me- dicine i razvile medikovelnes. Ter- me Krka nalazite tamo, gde priro- da nudi najviše: među dolenjskim brdima, bogatim termalnim izvo- rima, i na primorju, gde vas izme- đu talasa bazena miluje umiruju- ći morski vetrić. Otočec je poznat po svom romantičnom zamku na ostrvcetu sred reke Krke.
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