Venecija Venice
Set against a fairytale city backdrop, Carnival is the largest festival held in Italy. The good news is that Air Serbia has direct flights, all you have to do is get a mask
Postavljen u bajkovitu gradsku pozadinu, karneval je najveć i festival koji se održava u Italiji. Dobra vest je da Er Srbija ima direktne letove, ostaje vam samo da nabavite masku
Ples pod maskama Jedan od najromantičnijih italijanskih gradova oživljava svakog februara masom maskiranih posetilaca i zara- znim veseljem. Dve nedelje atmosfe- ra se zagreva kostimiranim balovima, kreativnim takmičenjima, regatama, paradama i dekadentnim gozbama. Datum kada karneval počinje varira svake godine, a ove će se održati od 22. februara do 4. marta. Er Srbija ima direktan, brz i udoban let do Venecije, čak i ako niste baš ro- mantična osoba, to ć ete postati kada udahnete venecijanski vazduh. Pre- poručujemo vam da prošetate gra- dom da biste uživali i umorili se, a ka- da više ne budete mogli da hodate, uskočite u jednu od gondola i uživajte u 30-minutnoj vožnji kroz velike i male kanale. Nakon toga obavezno zaple- šite pod maskama na Markovom trgu dok se bliži noć i nove avanture... dance under masks One of the most romantic Italian cities comes to life every February with mass- es of masked visitors and infectious joy. For two weeks, the atmosphere heats up with costume balls, creative com- petitions, regattas, parades and deca- dent feasts. The date when the carnival starts varies every year, and this one will be held from 22 nd February to 4 th March. Air Serbia has a direct, fast and com- fortable flight to Venice, even if you are not a very romantic person, you will be- come one when you breathe the Vene- tian air. We recommend that you walk around the city to enjoy it and tire your- self out. And when you can't walk an- ymore, hop into one of the gondolas and enjoy a 30-minute ride through the grand and small canals. After that, be sure to dance under the masks on Mark's Square as the night approaches along with new adventures...
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