Elevate February 2025 | Air Serbia

Nasleđe / Heritage

Prvi let Aeroputa slavi 97. rođendan Aeroput's first flight celebrates its 97 th birthday Pre skoro celog jednog veka, tačnije 15. februara 1928, kompanija koja je bila preteča Er Srbije poletela je prvi put / Almost a century ago, on 15 th February 1928, the company that was the forerunner of Air Serbia took off for the first time

At the time of its establishment in 1927, Aeroput was among the first civilian airlines, as the 10 th such com- pany in Europe and the 21 st in the world. At its peak, Aero- put flew to all four sides of the world: north to Budapest, Br- no and Prague, west to Venice and Milan, south to Tirana, and east to Bucharest and Sofia... During the best periods, the company connected Belgrade with almost all major Yugoslav cities. Upon the outbreak of World War II, Aeroput had a modern fleet of 14 aircraft with seven Lockheed air- craft forming the spine. The first promotional flight was conducted between Belgrade and Zagreb, when a Potez 29/2 type aircraft, un- der the name “Beograd”, took to the skies under the com- mand of company director Tadije Sondermajer. The first passengers were journalists and photojournalists from the Belgrade media scene who described that experience wi- th excitement, but also considerable fear. After a two-hour flight through gloomy weather, the plane landed at Borongaj Airport, but not before making a couple of laps above Zagreb. It was greeted by a large number of citizens and representatives of the athorities, and that same afternoon saw a group of Zagreb journalists fly to Belgrade. During those first years Aeroput flew the Belgrade-Zagreb route every day except Sundays, all the way until November, when winter weather conditions led to the suspending of air traffic.

Aeroput je u vreme osnivanja, 1927. godi- ne , bio među prvim civilnim avio-prevoznicima, 10. u Evropi i 21. u svetu. Na svom vrhuncu leteo je na sve četiri strane sveta: na sever do Budimpešte, Br- na i Praga, na zapad do Venecije i Milana, na jug do Tirane, na istok do Bukurešta i Sofije. Sa Beogradom su u najbolje doba bili povezani skoro svi veći jugo- slovenski gradovi, a pred Drugi svetski rat „Aeroput“ je imao modernu flotu od 14 aviona sa sedam „loki- da“ kao okosnicom. Taj prvi promotivni let obavljen je na liniji Beo- grad–Zagreb, avionom tipa „Potez 29-2“ pod ime- nom „Beograd“, koji je poleteo pod komandom di- rektora „Aeroputa“ Tadije Sondermajera. Putnici su bili novinari i foto-reporteri iz beogradskih redak- cija koji su sa uzbuđenjem, ali i priličnim strahom opisivali to iskustvo. Nakon dva sata leta po tmur- nom vremenu avion je sleteo na aerodrom „Boron- gaj“ prethodno napravivši par krugova iznad Zagre- ba. Dočekao ga je veliki broj građana i predstavnici vlasti, a istog dana u popodnevnim časovima grupa zagrebačkih novinara doletela je u Beograd. Na lini- ji Beograd–Zagreb avioni „Aeroputa“ su tokom prve godine leteli svakog dana, osim nedelje, sve do no- vembra, kada je zbog zimskih uslova avio-saobra- ćaj prekinut.

112 | Er Srbija » Air Serbia

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