Elevate February 2025 | Air Serbia

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Tri pitanja za...

Three questions for...

Damir Maršić, Captain

Damira Maršića, kapetana Februar je mesec kada se slavi ljubav. Koje su vama destinacije najromantičnije? – Ima ih mnogo, ali izdvojio bih Pariz, koji upravo i zovu Gradom ljubavi i romantike. Šetnja pored Sene i večera uz svetlost sveća u boemskim kafeima učini- će svaki trenutak posebnim za zaljubljene. Tu je zatim Rim, Večni grad koji je pravo blago za parove. Šetnje uskim ulicama, romantični trenutak uz Fontanu di Trevi ili večera s pogledom na Koloseum čine Rim idealnom destinacijom za ljubitelje istorije i romantike. Ove dve destinacije, ka kojima letimo svaki dan, pružaju savr- šenu priliku da stvorite uspomene koje će trajati zau- vek. Ljubav je u vazduhu – i na našim letovima! Dok jedni slave Valentina, drugi piju u ime Tri- funa, pa vas pitam i za vinski izbor. Imate li omi- ljene vinske regije van Srbije? – Za ljubitelje vina nema boljeg izbora od Porta u Portugalu. Ova predivna destinacija, ka kojoj letimo dva puta nedeljno, nije samo dom čuvenog istoime- nog pića, jednog od najpoznatijih slatkih vina na svetu, već i mesto gde se tradicija, kultura i hedonizam savr- šeno prepliću. Vinske ture kroz lokalne vinarije omo- gućavaju posetiocima da otkriju tajne procesa proi- zvodnje i uživaju u degustacijama, dok spektakularni pogledi na vinograde čine iskustvo nezaboravnim. Bilo da slavite Dan zaljubljenih ili Svetog Trifuna, ovaj grad ima sve što je potrebno za savršeno nazdravljanje. Do kojih destinacija kao pilot najradije letite, bi- lo zbog pogleda ili piste... – Meni kao pilotu svaka destinacija ima čar, ali ne- ke se posebno izdvajaju zbog nezaboravnih prilaza i predivnih pogleda. Među mojim omiljenim destina- cijama je Nica, jer let iznad Azurne obale pruža neve- rovatan pogled na more, luksuzne jahte i šarmantne gradove na obali. Svaki put kada sletim ovde imam osećaj kao da ulazim u razglednicu. Zatim Tivat. Prilaz je jedan od najlepših i najzanimljivijih u Evropi. Dok avi- on kruži iznad Bokokotorskog zaliva, pruža se spekta- kularan pogled na planine i more, što nikoga ne ostav- lja ravnodušnim.

Given that February is the month when love is celebra- ted, what are your most romantic destinations? “There are a lot, but I would single out Paris, which is actually dubbed the city of love and romance. A stroll besi- de the Seine and a candlelit dinner in a bohemian bistro will make every moment special for lovers. Then there’s also Ro- me, the Eternal City, which is a genuine treasure for couples. Walking its narrow streets, spending a romantic interlude at the Trevi Fountain or dining with a view of the Colosseum ma- ke Rome an ideal destination for lovers of history and roman- ce. These two destinations, which we fly to every day, provi- de the perfect opportunity to create everlasting memories. Love is in the air – and on our flights!” While some celebrate St. Valentine's Day, others drink in the name of St. Tryphon, which is why I would ask you about your wine selection. Do you have favourite wine regi- ons abroad? “There’s no better choice for wine lovers than Porto in Portugal. This beautiful destination, which we fly to twice a week, is not only the home of the famous drink of the same name, itself one of the world’s most famous sweet wines, but is also a place where tradition, culture and hedonism are in- terwoven perfectly. Wine tours of local wineries enable visi- tors to discover the secrets of the production process and enjoy tastings, while the vineyards’ spectacular views ma- ke the experience unforgettable. Whether you're celebrating St. Valentine’s Day or St. Tryphon’s Day, this city has everyt- hing you need to raise the perfect toast.” As a pilot, which destinations do you most enjoy flying to - either because of the views or the runway... “For me, as a pilot, every destination has its own allure, but some stand out in particular because of their unforgetta- ble approaches and stunning views. Among my favourite de- stinations are Nice, because flying over the Cote d'Azur provi- des amazing views of the sea, luxury yachts and quaint coastal towns. I feel like I’m entering a postcard every time I land the- re. Then there’s Tivat. The approach is one of the most beauti- ful and interesting in Europe. While the plane circles above the Bay of Kotor, a spectacular view that leaves no one feeling indi- fferent extends over the mountains and the sea.”

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