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KLABING / CLUBBING Nema zime uz dobrog di-džeja There’s no winter with a good DJ Jedan od najatraktivnijih beogradskih klubova „Karmako- ma“, otvoren u prostoru nekadašnje bašte kluba „Drugsto- re“, posle izuzetno uspešne prve sezone u novu godinu ula- zi sa značajnim novitetima. Ambicioznim programom i haj-end „L’Acoustics“ saund sistemom, zbog kog je i po- stao izbor broj jedan na bogatoj klupskoj sceni Beogra- da, u februaru donosi prave poslastice za sve ljubitelje do- brog klupskog zvuka. Otvara nastup Južnoafrikanca Ese, kome će baš 1. februara biti povratak u Beograd, a vraćaju se i čuveni beogradski zabavljači, Luton i Šćepa (7. februa- ra). Vlasnik milanske prodavnice ploča „Serendipity“, Nikola Maceti, dolazi 8. februara, dok za Dan zaljubljenih gostu- je suosnivač nekadašnjeg „Red Light“ radija – Orpheu The Wizard. Bogati februarski program nastavlja se nastupima Manfredasa – rezidenta „Opium“ kluba u Vilnusu, koji na- stupa 21. februara, a dan kasnije, 22. februara, gostuje Fi- lip Oterbah.
One of Belgrade’s most attractive clubs, Karmakoma, has reo- pened in the former garden of the club Drugstore. Following an ex- tremely successful first season, it has entered the new year with significant innovations. With an ambitious programme and a high- end L’Acoustics sound system that has made it the number one choice on Belgrade’s rich clubbing scene, it is bringing genuine treats for all lovers of good club sounds in February. Opening the month will be the performance of South African Esa Williams, who returns to Belgrade on 1 st February, while famous Belgrade enter- tainers Luton and Šćepa are also returning (7 th February). Nicola Mazzetti, owner of Milanese record shop Serendipity, arrives on 8 th February, while the club’s guest performer for Valentine’s Day is Or- pheu The Wizard, co-founder of the former Red Light Radio. Febru- ary’s rich programme continues with the set of Manfredas – a res- ident of Vilnius’s Opium club, who is performing at Karmakoma on 21 st February, while a day later, on 22 nd February, the guest DJ will be Philipp Otterbach.
Od 14. do 17. februara 2025. na sceni Centra „Sava“ srpska publika imaće priliku da čuje čuvene „Belle“, „Danse mon Esmeralda“, i „Le temps des cathédra- les“ u mjuziklu na francuskom jeziku. Predstava je doživela ogroman uspeh: mjuzikl je išao osam nede- lja uzastopno, a karte su bile rasprodate mesecima pre premijere. „Notre Dame de Paris“ je sjajan primer neviđenog uspeha francuskog mjuzikla u svetu. Po broju proda- tih karata u prvoj godini postavke francuska verzija je ušla u Ginisovu knjigu rekorda. Legendarna „Belle“ je priznata kao najbolja pesma 20. veka u Francuskoj. Serbian audiences will have an opportunity to hear the famous songs Belle, Danse mon Esmeralda and Le temps des cathédrales in this French-language musical, performed on the stage of Belgrade’s Sa- va Centre from 14 th to 17 th February. This show has ex- perienced huge success, with the musical running for eight consecutive weeks and tickets selling out months ahead of the premiere. Notre-Dame de Paris is a wonderful example of the un- precedented success of French musicals around the world. This version entered the Guinness Book of Re- cords on the basis of the number of tickets sold in the first year of the show. Legendary song Belle was also proclaimed the best song of the 20 th century in France.
„Notre Dame de Paris“ Notre-Dame de Paris
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