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Muzika Enia Morikonea u „mts Dvorani“ / Ennio Morricone’s music at MTS Hall Koncert filmske muzike Enija Morikonea i projekcija filma „Cinema Paradiso“ biće održana u subotu, 8. februara u „mts Dvorani“. Publika će imati priliku da uživa u je- dinstvenom spoju filmske muzike i kinematografije, a događaj se organizuje u okvi- ru projekta „CinemaHarmony: Merging European Film and Cultural Heritage“. Ve- če započinje u 19 časova koncertom filmske muzike legendarnog Enija Morikonea, pod nazivom „Muzika iz evropskih filmova“. Izvođači na koncertu biće posebno for- miran orkestar „CinemaHarmony Orchestra“, koji čine Škola za muzičke talente iz Ćuprije i TEKIART ansambl, pod dirigentskom palicom Igora Andrića. Nakon kon- certa, u 20.30 časova, sledi projekcija italijanskog filmskog klasika „Cinema Para- diso“ u režiji Đuzepea Tornatorea, za koji je Morikone komponovao muziku. A concert of the film music of Ennio Morricone and a screening of the film Cinema Paradiso will take place at Belgrade’s MTS Hall on Saturday, 8 th February. The audi- ence will have an opportunity to enjoy a unique fusion of film music and cinematog- raphy, with the event being organised under the scope of the project CinemaHarmo- ny: Merging European Film and Cultural Heritage. The evening’s events get underway at 7pm with a concert of the film music of the legendary Enni Morricone, entitled Mu- sic from European Films. The concert will be performed by the specially formed Cine- maHarmony Orchestra, comprising musicians from the School for Musical Talents in Ćuprija and the TEKIART ensemble, conducted by Igor Andrić. Following the concert will be an 8:30pm screening of classic Italian film Cinema Paradiso, directed by Gi- useppe Tornatore and with a musical score composed by Morricone.
KNJIGA / book
Sve što ste želeli da znate o Nikoli Jokiću Everything you wanted to know about Nikola Jokić
„Zašto tako ozbiljno?“ je detaljna, otvorena i intimna biografija košarkaškog genija i eni- gmatične NBA superzvezde Nikole Jokića, puna ekskluzivnih intervjua i iscrpnih izve- štavanja sa terena autora Majka Singera, bivšeg novinara „Denver posta“ zaduženog za izveštavanje o Nagetsima. Knjiga vodi čitaoca na dugo, neobično i ne- verovatno putovanje Nikole Jokića, koji je postao srce i duša šampionskog tima Den- ver Nagetsa, a ujedno i najbolji košarkaš na planeti. Dok prati Jokićev preobražaj od skromnih početaka u Somboru, Singer be- leži Nikolinu urođenu duhovitu drskost, ne- nadmašnu takmičarsku prirodu i izvesnu do- zu nestašnosti MVP-ja, odmilja prozvanog Džoker.
Why So Serious? is a detailed, candid and in- timate biography of basketball prodigy and enigmatic NBA superstar Nikola Jokić that’s packed with exclusive interviews and in-depth on-court reporting by Mike Singer, a former Nuggets reporter for the Denver Post. The book takes readers on Jokić’s long, unusu- al and unbelievable journey to becoming the heart and soul of the Denver Nuggets cham- pionship winning team and simultaneously the world’s best basketball player. As he follows Jokić’s transformation from his humble begin- nings in Sombor, Singer captures Nikola’s in- nate witty mockery, unparalleled competitive- ness and a dose of mischievousness in the MVP who’s been affectionately nicknamed “The Joker”.
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