H e has quietly moved into the “guerril- la” gallery, where he will remain until April. This place was selected for the purposes of exhib- iting over a hundred works of this anonymous street artist beyond the confines of classic galleries and mu- seums, squatter-style, in a space that’s been adapted solely for the needs of this exhibition. David Ryazantsev, a curator who has spent ten years working on this project, wanted to present these works in the right way. Some would ask how you can close him in, limit him and take his works out of con- text? His works belong to the streets, façades, concepts. This artist who, apart from admiration, prompts a million questions, will also answer this one, so you can determine where he belongs for yourself. But also con- sider what Banksy asks us – what has sufficient value to be displayed in a museum? Why are Leonardo da Vinci’s works considered art, while Banksy’s are considered vandalism? Would you hug a bomb and throw a bouquet of flowers instead? Banksy raises a million ques- tions, and visitors of this gallery exhibition can hope to get answers to just a few. They can experience not only the works of this famous Bristol-based artist, but also gain
insight into all the messages wo- ven into his works: from anti-con- sumerism to criticisms of war and art in its modern form. Throughout this exhibition, we see his opposi- tion to the dominant paradigm im- posed by the powerful and strong criticism of oppressive apparatus. From prints, to artefacts, CD and record covers, installations – part of Banksy’s oeuvre is encapsulated on three floors, but also, and more im- portantly, his message. Visitors will also be able to see the “Walled Off Hotel”, but also a sec- tion with the Simpsons that includes an interesting anecdote... There are panels with texts that remind us how Banksy’s voluminous body of work has included the modifying of street signs, the illegal printing of his own currency and the illegal hanging of his own works at Paris’s the Louvre and New York’s MoMA. It reveals his satirical critiques of war, capitalism, hypocrisy and greed; his criticising of consumerism, government and terrorism, but also the position of art itself and the way it is present- ed. His standard motifs of rats, mon- keys, policemen, children... As Ryazantsev has explained, this Banksy exhibition was created with works borrowed from muse- ums and private collections. Numer- ous doubts over whether the exhib- ited works are originals have been
Izložbu možete posetiti do 6. aprila u pop-ap galeriji u Dečanskoj 8 You can visit this exhibition at the Pop-Up Gallery at 8 Dečanska Street until 6 th April
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