Elevate February 2025 | Air Serbia

Priča se nastavlja pet godina nakon dramatičnog finala prve sezone The story continues five years after the dramatic finale of the first season

Tekst / Words: Ana Lađarević Fotografije / Photography: Profimedia


THE WHITE LOTUS Following Hawaii and Sicily, this luxu- ry hotel chain is relocating to Thailand for the third season of The White Lotus! The great draw of this show from creator Mike White is how it uses a luxurious set- ting as the backdrop for slice-of-life sto- ries about both hotel guests and staff, blending dark humour and social satire to create one of the most memorable TV releases of recent years. Natasha Rothwell is not only returning for Season 3, but will actually be repris- ing her original role as Belinda, the spa manager of the Hawaiian resort who as- pired to create her own business and was left with a wad of cash from Jennifer Coolidge’s Tanya. Rothwell’s return sees her follow in the footsteps of double Em- my winner Coolidge. Her story ended tragically, however, and though White wouldn’t totally rule out bringing her back in some capacity, Coolidge more recently said she’s not a part of season three: “When they kill you, you have to accept it.” Anyway, its release is coming soon, on the 16 th of this month!

THE LAST OF US A teaser for this upcoming HBO series that dropped back in September 2024 has already whetted the appetites of fans craving the new season of The Last of Us. The relationship between Pedro Pascal’s Joel and Bella Ramsey’s Ellie will obviously continue to be fun- damental to the show. Season 2 will al- so bring us the continued presence of the fearsome Clickers, as well as the Seraphite religious sect. The story will pick up five years after the dramatic first season finale, which saw Joel and Ellie reach Salt Lake City, with the lat- ter being resolute in accepting that her immunity might provide the only route to a cure for the show’s pandemic. The second season of this post-apoc- alyptic drama is set to premiere on HBO in April 2025. Based on the video game franchise developed by Naugh- ty Dog, the series is set 20 years into a pandemic of a mass fungal infection, which causes its hosts to transform in- to zombie-like creatures and led to the collapse of society.

Tizer za drugu sezonu, koji se po- javio još u septembru, već je pod- stakao apetite fanova koji žude za nastavkom serije „The Last of Us“. Odnos između Džoela (Pedro Pa- skal) i Eli (Bela Remzi) očigledno ć e i dalje biti u fokusu, a druga sezona ć e nam takođe doneti kontinuirano prisustvo strašnih Klikera, kao i ver- ske sekte Serafita. Priča se nastav- lja pet godina nakon dramatičnog finala prve sezone, u kojem su Džo- el i Eli stigli do Solt Lejk Sitija, i shva- tili da bi njen imunitet mogao biti je- dini put ka leku za pandemiju. Druga sezona ove postapokaliptič- ke drame trebalo bi da bude premi- jerno prikazana na HBO-u u aprilu 2025. Zasnovana na franšizi vi- deo-igrica koju je razvio „Naughty Dog“, serija prati pandemiju izazva- nu masovnom gljivičnom infekci- jom, koja domać ine transformiše u stvorenja nalik zombijima.

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