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Verovatno ćemo morati da čekamo do kraja godine na nove priče iz sveta „Igre prestola“ We’ll probably have to wait until the end of the year for new stories from the world of “Game of Thrones”
„Igra prestola“ dobija još jedan dugo očekivani dodatak franšizi preko spin- ofa „A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms: The Hedge Knight“. Koliko znamo o to- me do sada, priča je smeštena vek pre događaja iz originalne serije. To je doba kada Targarijeni još uvek kontro- lišu Gvozdeni tron, a seć anje na po- slednjeg zmaja nije nestalo. U sredi- štu priče su dva neverovatna heroja koji lutaju Vesterosom – naivni ali hra- bri mladi vitez po imenu Ser Dankan Visoki i njegov sić ušni štitonoša Eg. Piter Klafi igra Danka, a Dekster Sol Ansel će se naći u ulozi „Jajeta“. Možda se sećate da smo za njih već čuli. Na premijeri 4. sezone „Igre pre- stola“ kralj Džofri Barateon prelistava stranice dnevnika svih velikih vitezova Kraljevske garde. Dolazi do Ser Dan- kana Visokog i primeć uje: „Četiri stra- nice za Ser Dankana! Mora da je bio sjajan čovek“. „Tako kažu“, odgovara Džejmi Lanister. Brendon Stark tako- đe zna za Danka. Dok je bio prikovan za krevet u treć oj epizodi prve sezo- ne, nije bio raspoložen da sluša heroj- ske priče, poput onih o tom poseb- nom, hrabrom vitezu. Ali sada ćemo ih ipak slušati. Kreator Džordž R. R. Martin je u proš- losti davao intervjue u kojima je govo- rio kako želi da ispriča više malih pri- ča poput ove u okviru šireg sveta „Igre prestola“. Nešto u stilu „Rozenkranc i Gildenstern su mrtvi“, kada se priča fokusira na dva manja lika iz Hamle- ta, a ne na ono što je glavno. „Vitez od sedam kraljevstava“ bić e premijer- no prikazan krajem 2025, verovatno u decembru. Nepotrebno je reć i da i ovaj novi spin-of „Igre prestola“ obe- ć ava uzbudljiv povratak u svet politi- ke i sulude borbe za moć , po kojima je franšiza poznata.
Game of Thrones is set to receive an- other highly anticipated addition to the franchise in the year ahead, in the form of spin-off series A Knight of the Sev- en Kingdoms: The Hedge Knight. What we know so far is that the story is set a century before the events of the orig- inal Game of Thrones series. This is an era when the Targaryen line still controls the Iron Throne and “the memory of the last dragon has not yet passed from liv- ing memory.” At the story’s centre are two unlikely heroes wandering West- eros — a naive but courageous young knight named Ser Duncan the Tall and his diminutive squire Egg. Peter Claf- fey stars as Dunk, alongside Dexter Sol Ansell as Egg. In the season 4 premiere of Game of Thrones, King Joffrey Baratheon flipped through the pages of a log of all the great knights of the Kingsguard. He arrived at the entry for Ser Duncan the Tall and remarked, “Four pages for Ser Duncan! He must’ve been quite a man”. “So they say,” responded Nikolaj Coster-Waldau’s Ser Jaime Lannister. Brandon Stark also knew of Ser Dun- can the Tall. While confined to his bed in the third episode of season 1, he was in no mood to hear heroic stories, like the ones about this particular brave and valiant knight. But now we are get- ting those tales.
Creator George R.R. Martin has pre- viously given interviews in which he’s mentioned wanting to tell more “small” stories like this one within the larg- er world of Game of Thrones — in the style of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, which took two minor char- acters from Hamlet and focused on them rather than the main story. A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms will premiere in late 2025, probably in De- cember. Needless to say, this new Thrones spinoff promises an exciting return to the franchise’s world of poli- tics and power struggles.
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