Kultura / Culture
Eraser Head, James Cameron’s The Thing and the famous Boxing Hele- na, directed by David Lynch’s daugh- ter Jennifer Lynch. Fargeat’s The Substance ad- dresses the topic of ageing in Hol- lywood, and she seems to have chosen Moore as the protagonist because she has herself fallen vic- tim to ageism, with her career be- ing cut short due to the arrival in Hollywood of younger and more at- tractive actresses. The story offers nothing new in this sense, as we’ve seen it unfold many times before, but we’ve never seen it presented through this genre. In addition to the film winning the Cannes Award for Best Screenplay and Toronto’s People’s Choice audience award, Moore was herself nominated for 45 awards in the space of two months, including a prestigious Screen Ac- tors Guild award. However, she be- came the favourite for the upcoming Oscars thanks to winning the Gold- en Globe despite the fact that the favourite in the musical or comedy category (which The Substance was tactically categorised in to ensure it would fare better during award season) was actually Mikey Madi- son for the film Anora. Demi expressed her gratitude after winning this prestigious award for the first time in her career, stat- ing: “In those moments when we don’t think we’re smart enough or pretty enough or skinny enough or successful enough or basically just not enough, I had a woman say to me, ‘Just know you will never be enough, but you can know the value of your worth if you just put down the measuring stick. And so today, I celebrate this as a marker of my wholeness and of the love that is driving me and for the gift of do- ing something I love and being re- minded that I do belong.” Demi lives a completely dif- ferent life today, fairly isolated and hidden from the public eye. Despite having divorced 24 years ago, Demi has remained unusual- ly close to Bruce Willis. Moore even temporarily moved in with Willis af- ter he was diagnosed with demen-
tia in 2023, while she today spends time with their children and with him at least once a week, despite the famous actor having profes- sional help. “The important thing is just to meet him where he's at, as opposed to being attached to who he was, how he was. Because that only puts you in a place of loss versus being in the present, meeting him where he's at, and finding the joy and the loving of just all that is where he is,” said Demi when asked how she copes with her ex-husband’s illness. Turning to life in her 60s, she said that she’s in a different place in life and that she has the most auton- omy and more independence than she’s ever had. “I don't like to project and say, 'Well, this is where I want to be,' because I don't know. I don't know where I'm gonna be. But I know that it's an opportunity for me to actu- ally have a good time! … After I fin- ished shooting for G.I. Jane, dur- ing which I trained so much that I changed my body three times, I re- alised that I didn’t know my body’s natural look. I didn’t know what it was. I had controlled what I ate and my workouts so rigorously, until one day I just couldn’t do it anymore, and I finally wanted to have my nat- ural body. That’s when I stopped ob- sessively controlling my diet and, in a way, surrendered. I found free- dom, and my body actually became almost exactly the way I’d wanted it to be.” Following her major success in Cannes, Demi has already secured two more projects: the series Land- man, which was released late last year, and the upcoming comedy film I Love Boosters. With this year’s movie awards season drawing to a close, the odds are increasing that Moore won’t only be nominated for an Oscar, but will actually win one, despite the film’s genre making that seem impossible. This independent French horror film that cost just $17 million to make has grossed $80 million worldwide and has to date been nominated for more than 100 awards.
Nezavisni francuski horor koji je koštao svega 17 miliona dolara inkasirao je 80 širom sveta i za sada je nominovan za preko 100 nagrada The independent French horror film that cost just $17 million grossed 80 worldwide and has been nominated for over 100 awards so far
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