Elevate February 2025 | Air Serbia

#SerbiaInRealLife Srpski umetnici u Vašingtonu Serbian artists in Washington Izložba se otvara 8. februara i moći će da se pogleda sve do 18. maja u „Katzen Arts Centru“ / The exhibition opens at the Katzen Arts Center on 8 th February and is on show until 18 th May

Američki univerzitet- ski muzej i Galerija „Art for all“ iz Beograda predstavljaju #SerbiaInRealLife, izložbu savremene umetnosti koja prikazuje dinamičan i raznovrstan rad 12 vodeć ih srpskih umetnika. Ova upečatljiva izložba po- ziva gledaoce da istraže višestruke na- čine na koje ovi umetnici tumače kon- cept „stvarnog života“ u Srbiji danas i kako razmišljaju o njemu, kroz svoje inovativne prakse. Naglašava se uloga zemlje u oblikovanju moderne evrop- ske umetnosti uz slavlje njenog boga- tog nasleđa. Izložba je proslava ino- vativnog duha i kulturne raznolikosti koji definišu savremenu Srbiju, nagla- šavajuć i kako srpski umetnici defini- šu svoj kulturni narativ. Izložba sadrži različite medi- je, uključujući slikarstvo, skulptu- ru, digitalnu umetnost i mešovite medije, a svaki komad je svedočan- stvo o tome kako umetnici učestvu- ju u globalnim dijalozima, pomera- ju granice i doprinose savremenom umetničkom pejzažu jedinstvenim i modernim glasom. Heštag #Serbia- InRealLife premošć uje tradiciju i ino- vaciju, pozivajući gledaoca da se ak- tivno angažuje i učestvuje.

American University Mu- seum and Art For All Gallery from Belgrade, presents #SerbiaInRe- alLife, a contemporary art exhibition showcasing the dynamic and diverse work of 12 leading Serbian artists. This compelling exhibition invites viewers to explore the multifaceted ways in which these artists interpret and re- flect upon the concept of "real life" in Serbia today through their innovative practices. It emphasises the country's role in shaping modern European art while celebrating its rich heritage. The exhibition is a celebration of the in- novative spirit and cultural diversity that define contemporary Serbia, high- lighting how Serbian artists are defin- ing their cultural narrative. The exhibition features a varie- ty of mediums, including painting, sculpture, digital art, and mixed me- dia, and each piece is a testament to how artists are engaging with global dialogues, pushing boundaries, and contributing to the contemporary art landscape with a unique and modern voice. The hashtag #SerbiaInRealLife bridges tradition and innovation, in- viting the viewer to actively engage and participate.

Umetnici / Artists : Arpad Pulai, Biljana Đurđević, Dajana Perić Douglas, Gabriel Glid, Igor Simić, Ivana Milev, Jovanka Mladenović, Nikola Kolya Božović, Nikola Velicki, Nemanja Lađić, Vladislav Šćepanović, Zdravko Joksimović

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