Elevate February 2025 | Air Serbia

Er Srbija vesti / Air Serbia news

Air Serbia has launched di- rect flights between Belgra- de and Shanghai , People‘s Republic of China , with flight JU986. The Serbian national airli- ne is operating two flights a week to this city during the winter season, on Tuesdays and Saturdays, with the re- turn flights from Shanghai to Belgra- de departing on Wednesdays and Sundays. Flights between Belgra- de and Shanghai will continue during the upcoming summer season, whi- ch begins on 30 th March 2025. The departure of the inaugu- ral Air Serbia flight to Shanghai was attended by high representatives of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, Chinese Ambassador to Ser- bia H.E. Li Ming, representatives of aviation authorities and the aviation industry, associates and partners of the Serbian national airline, and me- dia representatives. Faster and more comfortable “We are very pleased to establi- sh a new direct service between Bel- grade and the People's Republic of China. Shanghai is one of the most dynamic cities in the world and an important hub of business and cultu- re. Direct Air Serbia flights to this city will provide passengers from Serbia and the Western Balkan region wi- th a faster and more comfortable jo- urney to China, while making it easier for Chinese tourists and businesspe- ople to come to Serbia and other Eu- ropean cities to which we fly. I wo- uld like to thank all our associates and partners for their support, as well as the employees of Air Serbia who, wi- th their commitment, made it possi- ble for us to enter 2025 successfully. The launch of direct flights to Shang- hai is an important step in achieving our strategic goals and further stren- gthens Air Serbia's position as a lea- der in regional air traffic,” said Air Ser- bia CEO Jiri Marek. Tradition and futurism Shanghai connects the traditi- on of ancient China with a futuristic vision of the world. With its specta-

not to be missed. Plum blossoms are also in full bloom in February and can be enjoyed at the Century Park. The red, pink, purple and white blossoms all over the park will certainly lighten your mood. No wonder the sound of camera shutters is ever present he- re. Apart from plum blossoms, pe- ach blossoms also appear, bringing the light, sweet fragrance of upco- ming spring. For those who prefer the mo- dern look of Shanghai, Mada- me Tussauds is strongly recom- mended. Close to Nanjing Road, the Museum lets you easily meet Hollywood stars like Nicole Kidman and Tome Cruise, as well as many Chinese movie stars. Your dream of being a star can also be realised here, as you walk the red carpet and attend a film awards cere- mony. Girls can also become su- per models and find out how it feels to strut their stuff on the catwalk. Boys (and other lovers) can see the wax figures of Marvel Heroes he- re, including the Hulk, Iron Man and Spider-Man. In addition, professio- nal photographers can help you im- mortalise the moment of your in- teractions with the likes of Audrey Hepburn or Quentin Tarantino.

cular panoramas, vibrant streets and rich cultural content, this cosmopo- litan city is truly breathtaking. While strolling along the Bund – the famo- us promenade alongside the Huan- gpu River – you can enjoy views of the futuristic Pudong district, with its many skyscrapers that light up the night. Among them, the Oriental Pe- arl Tower stands out as a symbolise of Shanghai that provides the perfe- ct spot for memorable photographs. The Old City and the Juyuan Gardens provide tranquillity and an authen- tic atmosphere of the Ming Dynasty. You can also enjoy traditional archite- cture, buy souvenirs or try local dis- hes here. Shanghai is also a gastro- nomic paradise. From street stalls selling hot dumplings to top Miche- lin-starred restaurants, every meal is an adventure. Every moment in this city brings something new. Whether you choose to ride the world's fastest train, the Maglev, or enjoy peaceful moments in one of the many parks, Shanghai will not disappoint. Blooming plums If you opt to visit Shanghai in Fe- bruary, don’t forget that the Chine- se people celebrate New Year at this time, which is a real spectacle that’s

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