Baš kao i Rim, i Lisabon je sagrađen na sedam brda, pa je tako poznat i kao „Cidade das sete colinas“, što znači da će vam za obilazak trebati dobra kondicija
Just like Rome, Lisbon was also built on seven hills, which is why it’s also known as the “Cidade das sete colinas”, ensuring you’ll need to be pretty fit to tour it all
Sunny city of seven hills
As a magnet for fans of short breaks, digital nomads, clubbers and lovers of culture, Lisbon is one of Europe’s most exciting cities A varied and rapidly growing gastro- nomic scene suits the city perfectly. One moment you're enjoying ceviche or avocado toast, the next you're listening to moving fado music while enjoy- ing bacalao, a traditional salted cod dish that's been feed- ing Lisboetas and their guests since the 15 th century. The city has experienced tremendous expansion over the past decade, with travellers starting to appreciate its beauty, culture and entertainment offer. Whether you want to tour as many landmarks as possible in 72 hours or leisurely explore lesser-known and uncrowded parts of the city, Lisbon is more vibrant than ever before. Lisbon has top hotels throughout the city — from those that stand out thanks to their location, to those that provide the opportunity to enjoy a more relaxed stay. One particularly charming example is the Palácio Princi- pe Real, which is replete with greenery and even has tall palm trees that seemingly play hide and seek with the ancient façade. Indian Runner ducks might not be some- thing you’d ordinarily associate with Lisbon, but they rep- resent a trademark of this hotel, where they can be seen everywhere. You can see them on the bar at the aptly named Duck Bar, while another is embossed in gold on the leather key card holders and they even appear in the iron railings of the large balconies. Special attention has been paid to preserving the palace’s Portuguese heritage — with the old blue-and-white tiles retained, as well as colourful Moorish stucco ceilings in some rooms. The bathrooms are covered in local barley-coloured limestone and completed with underfloor heating and Byredo cos- metics. You can enjoy breakfast in the beautiful gardens, in the shade of a Jacaranda tree, with a poached egg on sourdough toast, before spending a chilled day relaxing by the huge pool under a clear Lisbon sky. Equally stunning accommodation is available at Mem- mo Alfama, located in Alfama, the city’s oldest neigh- bourhood, and offering 42 rooms in a 19th-century for- mer shoe factory. The interior focuses on textures, where everything is aesthetically appealing — from thick stone
100 maneiras
palacio principe real
cipela. Enterijer je fokusiran na teksture – od debelih kamenih zidova do rustičnih ćebadi i drvenih ramo- va za krevete, sve je estetski privlačno. Ipak, terasa je ovde ključni adut; bazen sa crvenim pločicama od- mah privlači pažnju. Ako pogledate dalje, oduševiće vas klasičan pogled na vijugave ulice i šarene zgrade Lisabona, čineći ovo savršenim mestom za uživanje u piću pri zalasku sunca. Plodovi mora su ovde izu- zetni, kao što biste očekivali od primorske prestonice, sa Atlantskim okeanom na pragu. Inovativni doma- ći kuvari reinterpretiraju portugalske recepte, stva- rajući tanjire lepe poput azuležo pločica koje krase lokalne palate. Kada ogladnite, istražujte autentične portugal- ske prostore – „quiosques“ (kioske-kafiće), „tascas“ (neformalne kantine) i „pastelarias“ (poslastičarni- ce). Poslednje su dom legendarnih tartova s cimetom, pasteis de nata, čiji kremasti fil podseća na jarkožute tramvaje Lisabona. Na prvi pogled, „Canalha“ u Bele- mu izgleda kao klasična komšijska „tasca“ – kako se u Portugalu zovu radničke kantine. Staklene pregra- de i tamne drvene zidove prepoznaće svaki „Lisboe- ta“, kao i obilne porcije iberijske svinjetine sa pomfri- tom i crnu tablu sa svakodnevnom ponudom sveže ribe. Ipak, ovo je znatno sofisticiranije i modernije
Tekst / Words: Ivan Radojčić Fotografije / Photography:
Lisbon » Lisabon | 77
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