S rbija je poznata po tome što ne propu- šta povode za slavlja. Živimo i radimo po gregorijanskom kalendaru. Po ju- lijanskom slavimo pravoslavni Božić. Naravno, ostane nam i snage i volje da po tom starom kalendaru, dve nedelje po počet- ku zvanične godine, upriličimo još jednu novo- godišnju noć. Kada su u pitanju kalendari, ovde smo odluči- li da je najbolje da slavimo i po jednom i po dru- gom, pa tako 14. februara neki nazdravljaju Svetom Valentinu, a drugi Svetom Tri- funu čije moći slave vinogradari. Kako ceo svet zna za Valentina, mi ćemo se ovoga puta fokusirati na Trifuna i dozvoliti mu da nas povede po Srbiji putevima vina. Iako nije crveno slo- vo u crkvenom kalendaru, praznik se tradicionalno proslavlja u vinogradar- skim krajevima simboličnim orezivanjem loze. Veruje se da od ovog praznika sneg po- činje da se topi, da se budi priroda, pa i ljubavni damari jače tuku. Ako je već tako, eto potvrde da i Trifuna slavimo kao zaštitnika ljubavi. Ali pre svega slavimo Srbiju, koja u svetu ni- je dovoljno poznata po svojim divnim vinima i brojnim vinogradima. Srpsko vino ima dugu isto- riju i tradiciju. Rimski zapisi pokazuju da je loza cvetala ovde sve dok car Domicijan nije zabra- nio proizvodnju vina van Italije. Marko Aurelije je poništio ovu odluku oko 280. godine nove ere i iskoristio svoje vojnike van dužnosti da sade grož- đe na Fruškoj gori. Vreme od 11. do 14. veka bilo je zlatno doba za vino u Srbiji. Car Dušan (1331– 1355) doneo je možda najranije zakone u Evropi o geografskim oznakama i kvalitetu vina. Naža- lost, osmanski osvajači uništavali su vinograde, pa je tek u 18. i 19. veku Srbija nastavila da se ra- zvija u jednu od najdinamičnijih vinskih zemalja u ovom delu Evrope. Predstavićemo vam tri fan- tastična regiona koja vredi posetiti ne samo zbog odlične čaše vina već i zato što u njima ima toliko sjajnih stvari da se vidi. Vreme od 11. do 14. veka bilo je zlatno doba za vino u Srbiji The time from the 11 th to the 14 th century was the golden age for wine in Serbia
S erbia is known for not missing out on reasons to celebrate. We live and work according to the Gregorian calendar, yet we celebrate Orthodox Christmas according to the Julian calendar. Of course, we still have the strength and will to celebrate another New Year’s Eve according to that old calendar two weeks after the official start of the year. While we’re on the subject of calendars, here we’ve decided that it’s best to celebrate both, which is why some toast St. Valentine on 14 th February, while others raise a glass to St. Tryphon, whose powers are celebrated by winegrowers. Given that Valentine is known the world over, we will use this opportunity to focus on Tryphon and allow him to lead us along Serbia’s wine routes. This saint is believed to protect against floods and serve as the guardian of crops and patron of winegrowers, but he is increasingly also celebrated by wine merchants. De- spite not being a red-letter date in the church calendar, this holiday is traditionally celebrated in winegrowing re- gions with the symbolic pruning of grape vines. It is be- brate Serbia, which isn’t sufficient- ly renowned around the world for its wonderful wines and numerous vineyards. Serbian wine has a long history that gives it truly authen- tic roots. Roman records show that vines flourished here prior to Emper- or Domitian prohibiting the grow- ing of vines beyond Italy. That edict was overturned by Marcus Aurelius in around 280 AD, and his off-duty soldiers were deployed to plant grapes on Fruška Gora. Emperor Dušan (who reigned from 1331 to 1355) passed what were perhaps Europe’s earliest laws on geo- graphical indications and wine quality. Unfortu- nately, the invading Ottomans destroyed the country’s vineyards and it was only in the 18 th and 19 th centu- ries that Serbia resumed its development into one of the most dynamic wine producing countries in this part of Europe. Here we present three fantastic regions that are worth visiting not just for great glasses of wine, but al- so because they have so many wonderful things to see. lieved that this holiday marks the start of the thawing of snow and awakening of nature, causing the hearts of lovers to beat hard- er. And if that is indeed the case, then it serves to confirm that we also cele- brate Tryphon as a patron saint of love. But we first and foremost cele-
Veruje se da ovaj svetac štiti od poplava, da je čuvar useva i zaštitnik vinogradara protect against floods and serve as the guardian of crops and patron of winegrowers This saint is believed to
Tekst / Words: Vanja Filipović
Fotografije / Photography: Profimedia, Despoitphotos
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