Ritam Srbije / Rhythm of Serbia
In close proximity to Novi Sad, Ser- bia’s second largest city, just 65 km northwest of Belgrade, is the Fruš- ka Gora wine region. Here vines grow on the slopes of a mountain that ris- es dramatically out of the plain. The re- gion has a moderate continental cli- mate, with plenty of breezes that keep the grapes healthy and the wines fresh. Fruška Gora’s trails are also wine routes, so you can experience bygone times and the spirit of the old Srem folk with a glass of high-quality wine at the region’s wineries, many of which are decorated like old Srem homesteads. What to visit As the only mountain in Vojvodina, Fruš- ka Gora is so beautiful and of such cul- tural and historical importance that it became the first of Serbia’s five nation- al parks. It can boast of having the high- est concentration of linden forests in Europe, while its forests also hide 30 ra- re species of orchids, which exude a truly magical fragrance. Visit Stražilovo, the hill above the town of Sremski Kar- lovci that’s rich in endless greenery and preserves the mortal remains of great Serbian poet Branko Radičević. Then head down to the town itself, which has an ambience that’s been fully pre- served and shows the sheen of bygone times. This town has the oldest gymna- sium high school in Serbia, which has a memorial library that’s the oldest and richest school library in Serbia, preserv- ing some of the most valuable books... Here locals talk with civic pride about the building of the Magistrate, the old- est chemists, the Four Lions fountain on the town square that was built back in 1799. They also talk proudly about the sycamore tree that has adorned the yard of the Lower Church for almost 150 years. We don’t even need to mention Novi Sad, a truly magical little city that you have to visit to understand, before continuing on to the Fruška Gora mon- asteries that were built between the 16 th and 18 th centuries in the Baroque and Moravian architecture styles of medieval Serbia.
U blizini drugog po veličini grada u Sr- biji, Novog Sada, samo 65 km severo- zapadno od Beograda nalazi se fruško- gorski vinski region. Vinova loza raste na obroncima planine koja se drama- tično uzdiže iz ravnice. Region je ume- reno kontinentalni sa dosta povetar- ca koji čuva grožđe zdravim, a vina svežim. Fruškogorski puteljci su i sta- ze vina, pa se u vinarijama, od kojih su mnoge uređene kao stara sremska do- maćinstva, uz čašu kvalitetnog vina može doživeti vreme i duh starih Sre- maca. Šta posetiti Fruška gora, jedina planina Vojvodi- ne, toliko je lepa i kulturno-istorijski važ- na da je postala prvi od pet nacionalnih parkova Srbije. Može da se pohvali naj- većom koncentracijom lipove šume u Evropi, a u šumama se može naći i 30 retkih vrsta orhideja, čiji je miris prava čarolija. Obiđite Stražilovo, brdo iznad Sremskih Karlovaca puno beskrajnog zelenila, koje čuva velikana srpskog pe- sništva Branka Radičevića. Onda siđi- te do Karlovaca u čijem se centru, koji je ambijentalno u potpunosti sačuvan, vidi patina prošlih vremena. To je grad s najstarijom gimnazijom u Srbiji, u ko- joj postoji spomen-biblioteka, najstari- ja i najbogatija školska biblioteka u Srbi- ji u kojoj se čuvaju neke od najvrednijih knjiga... Sa ponosom se ovde priča i o zgradi Magistrata, o najstarijoj apote-
ci, česmi Četiri lava, podignutoj dale- ke 1799. na gradskom trgu. A sa dikom govore i o platanu koji krasi portu Donje crkve skoro 150 godina. O Novom Sa- du ne treba ni govoriti, taj grad je pra- va mala čarolija koju morate obići da bi- ste ga razumeli, a zatim produžite ka fruškogorskim manastirima sagrađe- nim između 16. i 18 . veka u stilu baroka i moravske arhitekture srednjovekov- ne Srbije.
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