Elevate February 2025 | Air Serbia

Successful year for Air Serbia As many as 4.44 million passengers carried in 2024 In terms of passengers carried, the Serbian national airline recorded the third best result in the company’s nearly 98-year history Air Serbia carried a total of 4.44 million passengers on its regular and charter flights in 2024 , up 6% compared to the previo- us record-setting year of 2023. The company ope- rated 47,022 flights from its hub in Belgrade, as well as two other international airports in Serbia – Niš and Kraljevo, up 4% year on year. When it comes to car- go traffic, the Serbian national airline transported over 7,144 tonnes of cargo last year, up 25.14% year on ye- ar, marking the best cargo result since the company started operating under its current name. “When we entered 2024, we were aware of the success achieved in 2023 and were determined to achieve even better results, focusing on stabili- sing our operations and upgrading the services. The strong business results in 2024 demonstrate that we accomplished what we set out to do. Over the past 366 days, we have flown to 33 countries across fo- ur continents, carrying over 4.4 million passengers. We have also taken significant steps to further deve- lop the aviation industry in the Republic of Serbia, inc- luding training the first female captain in the com- pany's history and launching a cadet pilot programme in collaboration with the Aviation Academy, allowing us to potentially employ ten promising young pilots immediately upon completion of their training. None of this would have been possible without the dedica- ted work and commitment of our employees, whose professionalism and dedication contribute daily to ac- hieving goals and advancing our business. Aware that passengers are at the heart of everything we do, we thank them for their trust. As the national carrier, we remain committed to connecting Serbia with the wor- ld and building bridges between people, cultures and economies. We will continue expanding our network, modernising the fleet and improving all aspects of our operations to achieve even better results and stren- gthen the position of Serbia's national airline on the market,” said Air Serbia CEO Jiri Marek.

Veća flota Flota Er Srbije u proteklih godinu da- na snažno se razvijala. Od ukupno 27 letelica, tri su širokotrupna aviona, četrnaest je uskotrupnih i deset tur- boprop letelica. Treći „erbas A330- 200“, registarske oznake YU-ARD, brendiran u boje i oznake specijalizo- vane izložbe EXPO 2027, stigao je u Beograd početkom oktobra i sa ozna- kama Er Srbije prvi put je poleteo 18. oktobra na čarter-letu između Beo- grada i Tokija. Bio je to vremenski naj- duži neprekidni let u istoriji srpske na- cionalne avio-kompanije.

Expanded fleet Air Serbia’s fleet also experienced strong growth last year. Of a total of 27 aircraft, three are wide-body jets, four- teen are narrow-body and there are al- so ten turboprop aircraft. The compa- ny’s third Airbus A330-200, registered as YU-ARD and decked out in special EXPO 2027 livery, arrived in Belgrade in early October and joined Air Serbia’s operations with the 18 th October char- ter flight between Belgrade and Tokyo. This was also the Serbian national air- line’s longest non-stop flight in terms of flight time.

CAPA samit Zahvaljujući angažovanju Grada Be- ograda i Er Srbije, prestonica Repu- blike Srbije je u novembru ugostila vi- še od 250 najvećih svetskih lidera i vodećih eksperata avio-industrije, u okviru prestižnog Svetskog samita o avijaciji CAPA 2024. Na taj način Beo- grad je učvrstio svoju poziciju na ma- pi globalne avio-industrije, a Er Srbija se još jednom istakla kao ključni igrač u regionu.

CAPA Summit Thanks to the joint efforts of the City of Belgrade and Air Serbia, Serbia's cap- ital hosted over 250 of the world's top airline leaders and leading aviation in- dustry experts in November under the scope of the prestigious CAPA 2024 International Aviation Summit. This re- inforced Belgrade's position on the global aviation map, with Air Serbia once again standing out as a key re- gional player.

Air Serbia » Er Srbija | 9

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