Ritam Srbije / Rhythm of Serbia
Topoli izgradi veliki hram u kome bi se sahranjivali svi Karađorđevići. Nadviše- ni brežuljak Oplenca bio je kao stvoren za ostvarivanje životnog sna. Crkva Svetog Đorđa je oslikana po uzoru na najlepše srednjovekovne freske iz oko 60 manastira i crkava i predstavlja praktično riznicu slikarske umetnosti toga doba. Mozaik Isu- sa na glavnoj kupoli urađen je po uzo- ru na fresku iz manastira Gračanica, a prečnik iznosi čak devet metara. Cen- tralni luster izliven je od pretopljenog pobedničkog oružja koje su srpski voj- nici koristili u proboju Solunskog fronta 1918. godine. Na počasnim mestima u crkvi počivaju vožd Karađorđe, čije su mošti 1930. godine prenete iz njegove zadužbinske crkve koja se nalazi u To- poli, dok naspram njega počiva njegov unuk, kralj Petar I.
er of the Serbian revolution, Karađođe Petrović, who was born in the near- by village of Viševac, established his base in the hamlet of Krćevac, situat- ed in the immediate vicinity of the town. After becoming the Supreme Leader, Karađorđe made Topola his capital and the centre of state life in the liberated Serbia. This region experienced a new moment to shine with the emergence of Karađorđe’s son, Prince Aleksan- dar, who took particular care in restor- ing his father’s vineyards and orchards on the eastern slopes of Oplenac. With the coronation of King Peter I in 1903, Topola – as the homeland of the Karađorđevićs – recorded a new pe- riod of prosperity, and the new king soon devoted himself fully to realising his parents’ wish to build a large temple in Topola, where all the Karađorđevićs would be buried. The overhanging hill of
Oplenac was seemingly made for the realisation of this life’s dream. The Church of St. George was dec- orated based on the examples of the most beautiful medieval fres- coes from around 60 monasteries and churches, which is why it prac- tically represents a treasure trove of the painted art of the era. The mosa- ic of Jesus on the main dome is based on the fresco from Gračanica Mon- astery and has a diameter of as much as nine metres. The central candela- bra was cast by melting down weap- ons used in the 1918 victory of Serbi- an soldiers on the Thessaloniki front. The place of honour in the church is occupied by the mortal remains of Karađorđe, which were transferred from his endowment church in Topola in 1930, while laid to rest opposite him is his grandson King Petar I.
Negotinska Krajina Ovaj kraj je riznica modernog srpskog vina. Udaljen je oko 250 km od Beo- grada, na istoku, blizu Bugarske i Ru- munije, a sa jedne strane je omeđen moć nim Dunavom. Vinogradi se ovde spuštaju prema reci gde se sunce od- bija od vode. To je jedan od najboljih re- giona za kaberne sovinjon, ali postoje i stari vinogradi sa retkim drevnim sorta- ma vinove loze koje se ponovo otkriva- ju. Na brdu Bukovo, kod Negotina, oba- vezno posetite vrhunske vinarije, a ne propustite manastir Bukovo u kojem monasi prave moć na vina od kaber- nea, merloa i lokalne crne tamjanike. Šta posetiti
Predeo istočne Srbije uvek je donosio dozu tajnovitosti i mistike. Na obala- ma Dunava, na krajnjem istoku zemlje, pre više od 9.000 godina praistorijski ljudi stvorili su jednu od najstarijih kul- tura u Evropi – kulturu Lepenskog vira. Od tada do danas mnogo toga se pro- menilo, ali je harmonija života lokalnog stanovništva i prirode ostala nenaruše- na. Istočna Srbija ističe se svojim pri- rodnim lepotama, ekološki očuvanim predelima i etničkom raznovrsnošću.
This region is a veritable treas- ury of modern Serbian wine. Locat- ed around 300 km east of Belgrade, close to Bulgaria and Romania, it is bordered on one side by the mighty Danube. The vineyards here descend towards the river, where the sun re-
flects off the water. One of the best regions for Cabernet Sauvignon, it is also home to old vineyards produc- ing rare ancient varieties that are on- ly now being rediscovered. Be sure to visit the top wineries on Bukovo Hill near Negotin, and don’t miss out on a
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