U ovom kraju poznatom po plodnoj i zdravoj zemlji, bistrim rekama bogatim pastrmkom i drugom ribom, lovištima punim krupne i sitne divljači veoma su zastupljeni vinogradarstvo, lov i ribolov. Uz nadaleko čuvena vina domaćini će vam priuštiti poseban gurmanski do- življaj. Naravno, uz svako ovo fenome- nalno jelo obavezno probajte jednu od autohtonih sorti vina. Nedaleko od Negotina, na brdu iznad sela Rajac, nalaze se Rajačke pimni- ce, naselje napravljeno za proizvodnju i skladištenje vina u 19. veku. U to vre- me su biljne vaši napale vinovu lozu po Evropi, a klimatski i geografski uslovi sa- čuvali Negotinsku Krajinu i odredili je da bude novi izvoznik vina za ceo kon- tinent. Ubrzo je čitava Krajina doživela procvat, a vina iz ovog regiona mogla su se naći na mnogim dvorovima Evrope. Čak su i Francuzi pre Drugog svetskog rata kupovali grožđe iz Negotinske Kra- jine. Čuveno selo Rogljevo izgrađeno je oko 1861, a sve je više ljubitelja vina ko- ji otkrivaju ovu jedinstvenu vremensku kapsulu. Inače, Negotinska Krajina je je- dini kraj u kojem još opstaje crna tamja- nika, autohtona sorta grožđa koja daje vina intenzivnog, mističnog mirisa i aro- me voća i začinskog bilja.
tour of Bukovo Monastery, where the monks make powerful wines from ca- bernet, merlot and local black tam- janika. What to visit Eastern Serbia is a region that’s al- ways carried an element of mystique and mysticism. It was on the banks of the Danube, in the extreme east of the country, that prehistoric people created one of the oldest cultures in Europe – the Lepenski Vir culture – more than 9,000 years ago. Much has changed since that prehistor- ic time, but the harmony between the lives of local people and nature has remained intact. Eastern Serbia stands out with its natural beauty, pristinely preserved landscapes and ethnic diversity. Viticulture, hunting and fishing remain very popular in this area, which is known for its fer- tile and healthy land, crystal clear riv- ers rich in trout and other fish, and hunting grounds packed with both large and small game. Together with widely renowned wines, your local hosts will treat you to a special gour- met experience. And, of course, you simply must try one of the autoch-
thonous wine varieties with each of these phenomenal dishes. In the vicinity of Negotin, on a hill above the village of Rajac, are the famous Rajac wine cellars, Rajačke pimnice, representing a settlement built in the 19 th century solely for the production and storage of wine. At that time, phylloxera insects were attacking grapevines throughout Eu- rope, while the Negotin area was spared thanks to climatic and geo- graphical conditions that enabled it to become a new exporter of wine for the entire continent. The entire region soon flourished and its wines found their way to many Europe- an courts. Even the French bought grapes from the Negotin area before the outbreak of World War II. The fa- mous village of Rogljevo was con- structed in around 1861, and this unique time capsule is today being discovered by ever-more wine lov- ers. Interestingly, the Negotin Fron- tier is the only region where black tamjanika still thrives. This autoch- thonous muscat grape variety pro- duces wines with an intense, mysti- cal fragrance and the aroma of fruits and herbs.
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