King's Business - 1958-09


Therefore, ''ULTRA-FUNDAMENTALIST" is a term of modernistic double-talk; but if it were possible to be more Fundamental than the Fundamentals, that is what Bob Jones University would be. The tOmr-/dx ¿ (y^n i stands solidly for the Fundamentals of the Faith, for the "old-time" religion, and the absolute Authority of the Bible.

This is the term which modernists, infidels, and the disciples of the so-called ''New Evangelicalism" apply to those who refuse to compromise on the matter of the Inspiration and the Infallibility of the Word of God. Actually there can be no ''ULTRA" where the Funda­ mentals are concerned— either you believe them or you do not. If you believe them, you are Fundamen­ tal; if you deny them, you are not Fundamental.

IF Y O U ARE L O O K I N G FOR A N E D U C A T I O N A L I N S T I TUT I ON THAT IS " W I S H Y - W A S H Y " I N ITS C O N V I C T I O N S A N D E V A S I V E A BOUT ITS STAND , THEN YOU W I L L NOT BE INTERESTED IN BOB JONES UNIVERSITY GREENVILLE; SOUTH CAROL INA Music, speech, and art without additional cost above Institute of Christian Service, academy, and seventh and regular academic tuition. eighth grades in connection.


A publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor

S. H. Sutherland, President

Ray A. Myers, Chairman of the Board

SEPTEMBER, in the year of our Saviour

Vol. 49, No. 9

Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Eight

Established 1910

Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christion home

A r t ic le s A CHANGE FOR THE K ING 'S BUSINESS ................................... 9 POEMS ............................................................................. 10, 16 CONFIDENCE IN GOD — Gordon Chilvers ................................. 12 YOUR HOME A N D HOW TO SECURE IT — Merv Rosell ............. 14 THE PERIL OF NEGLECTING PROPHECY — Charles L. Feinberg .. 17 STUDENT ART ....................................................................... 32 F e a t u r e s UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. Miller ................... 4 FILM REVIEWS — Rudy Nelson ................................................ 5 READER REACTION ................................................................ 6 PEOPLE — A monthly column of names in the news ................... 7 H YM N S YOU LOVE — Phil Kerr .............................................. 8 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX .............................................. 19 WORLD NEW SGRAMS — James O. Henry .......... ....................... 20 JR. K ING 'S BUSINESS ROUND-UP — Sagebrush Sue — Leonard Eilers ................................ 23 — Pen Pals ................................................................ 26 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold D. Ehlert ......................................... 30 TALKING IT OVER — A psychologist answers — Clyde Narramore.. 31

M y American Bible Soc ie ty A nnu ity A g re em en t gives me a bigger, more secure in com e . . . and I do more fo r others 1. You too can get a generous in­ come immediately—as much as 7.4%, depending on your age. 2. You too can get a substantial deduction from your income tax— and an income largely tax exempt. 3. You too can get the same re­ turn regularly all your life with no investment worry or expense. 4. You too can help others by buying an Annuity Agreement which aids the American Bible Society in its vital ministry of dis­ tributing the Scriptures.

The full-color reproduction on this month's cover is from a painting by Trudy Cutler, a student of Biola Bible College, Los Angeles. For more student art see pages 32 and 33.

S. H. SUTHERLAND: editor MARY PAGE: copy editor

LLOYD HAMILL: managing editor EARNESTINE RITTER: editorial assist. J. RUSSELL ALLDER: business manager

JANE M. CLARK: circulation manager

NORMAN B. ROHRER: editorial-advertising coordinator editorial board Bolton Davidhelser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker, Chester J. Padgett, Oran H. Smith, Gerald B. Stanton.

SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly: U.S., its possessions, ond Canada, $3.00, one year; $ 1.50. six months; 25 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rotes. Write for details. Foreign subscriptions 50 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to 'The King's Business/' ADVERTISING — For information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. The King's Business/September 1958

MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office of Los An­ geles. California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, em­ bodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P.L. and R., authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California

• A M E R I C A N B I B L E S O C I E T Y I 450 Park Avenue, New York 22, N. Y. I Please send me, without obligation, your book- I | letKB-89 entitled ‘‘A Gift That Lives." □ Mr. I . — □ Mrs. ■ Name gg m iss ______________________ ■ ______________________ *

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Under the Parsonage Roof by Althea S. Miller TO HEAVEN - WHOLE M other listened as her daughters talked among themselves. “When Grandmother starts to die she is going to give her bone china to us girls.” “Don’t try to rush Grandmother,” an amused Mother replied. “She is not ‘starting to die’ yet.” “I want to die so I can go to heaven and see Jesus and Bob.” Mother was reminded of how very real heaven has been to her six-year-old daughter ever since the home-going of her big brother. “The Lord will take you to heaven when He wants you there, Ardyth. Heaven is a wonderful place and we should look forward to going there. But as long as our Father keeps us here we must be busy for Him.” “How did He take Bob to heaven?” “He reached down and released Bob’s spirit and took him home.” “They put Bob’s body in a grave. Why didn’t Jesus take his body?” “Because this isn’t God’s time to change our bodies to be like that of the Lord Jesus after He arose from the dead.” “Well, I want to go to heaven whole.” “What do you mean by ‘whole,’ Honey?” “I want Him to take my body when he takes my spirit. I know myself the way I am and I like me,” she finished with a shy smile. “There’s no conceit in our family; you have it all,” Brother Bill ex­ claimed. “You mean you want to go up with that cast on your arm? You like it?” “No, I don’t like this cast. Don’t you know that if I went up the cast would fall off because my arm would get better on the way up? Mama, can’t I go to heaven whole?” “Darling, I don’t know how it will please the Lord to take you to be with Himself. But it is possible you will go to heaven ‘whole’ if the Lord comes for His Church.” “How can that be?” “God has told us ‘The Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord” (1 Thess. 4:16,17).

By the author of J tM "Through Gates of Splendor”

a w a k e

The faiththatinspired the martyrdom immortalized in “Through Gates of Splendor” Shadow of the Almighty The Life and Testament of Jim Elliot By ELISABETH ELLIOT T h is is the inspiring biography of one of the missionaries who hoped, planned and ultimately perished in a daring attempt to bring the Gospel to savage In­ dians in the jungles of Ecuador. Prom the journals which Jim Elliot kept, his widow has se­ lected the most powerful, reveal­ ing passages and woven around them the story of his life. I n the S hadow of the A lmighty is both a tremendous biography of an adventurous life, and thrilling devotional literature. “ The perfect complement to Through Gates of Splendor . . . will challenge Christian youth for many years to come. We des­ perately need Jim Elliot’s kind of dedication among youth to­ day.”— T ed W. E ngstrom , Presi­ dent, Youth for Christ “Elisabeth Elliot has the inti­ mate touch with God which en­ ables her to express the mystical experience, the spiritual struggle and personal devotion of Jim Elliot . . . will inspire all who read it.”— H arold J. O ckenga “A fascinating portrayal of a modern missionary martyr.” —F rank E. G aebelein W ith 16 pages o f illustrations, end-papers, Bible sources A t your bookseller • $3.75 HARPER § BROTHERS, N.Y. 16

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F I L A A S /reviewed, by Rudy Nelson

w W W orld Vision’s new docu­ mentary film, A Cry in the Night, (produced by Westminster Films) will be a rewarding experience for almost any audience. It contains gorgeous color photography from all over the Orient as only its peo­ ple know it. It transports the view­ er to a Hindu funeral ceremony in India, a pastors’ conference in Ban­ dung, Indonesia, an anti-American parade in Japan and an evangelistic crusade in Seoul, Korea. Nor is the camera satisfied to take the scenic route through the Asian countryside. It moves in close to the people—to the agile, expressive fin­ gers of a deaf mute “saying” the Lord’s Prayer, to the radiant face of a Filipino grandmother on her deathbed listening to the 23rd Psalm, to the tortured body of a young Hindu girl at the climax of a demonic temple dance. Other things about this film are commendable also. The script, writ­ ten by Carl F. H. Henry and Wil­ liam Brusseau (who is also the producer-director), is a scholarly one which at times is powerful and even poetic. The sound is excellent. Put all these characteristics to­ gether and you should have a win­ ner. And yet, to me, A Cry in the Night was curiously unsatisfying. I do not suppose it is fair for a review­ er to say a film was good but not as good as it could have been. (Of how many good films isn’t that true?) However, that is exactly what I in­ tend to say; and I hope it is a justi­ fiable and constructive observation. Somehow, in the tremendous di­ versity of the film, the thread of unity is lost. The viewer is shut­ tled abruptly from Hinduism to Communism to demon possession back to Communism to nationalism and so forth, with a periodic inter­ jection of Christianity as the answer to all the ills of Asian culture. The transitions and logical development are not clear. Fortunately, an ef­ fective closing sequence salvages some order out of the disunity. A second basic objection is the misleading impression A Cry in the Night gives of Bob Pierce’s and

World Vision’s ministry in the Far East. The film makes it appear that this work consists of the junketing of a well-dressed American, with an occasional pastors’ conference or evangelistic crusade. We know this is not true. Most of us are aware of the good work World Vision is doing. But this does not come through in the total impression of the film—notwithstanding the ac­ tual words of the script which do give a more accurate perspective. Obviously, only a part of World Vision’s ministry could be shown. It is to be regretted that the part does not better represent the whole. And even the part which was covered could have been dealt with more clearly. For example, im­ mediately after the narrator assures us that Asia must be won by Asians, we see a lengthy sequence of the Seoul evangelistic crusade conduct­ ed by a contingent of ruddy-cheeked Americans. Once again, the script has an explicit statement that this is only a shot in the arm against the day when the white man is no long­ er welcome in Asia. But these few words are all too easily missed; and on the surface the Seoul crusade appears to be a wholesale imposi­ tion of western techniques and con­ cepts on the Oriental personality. Having voiced these reservations, may I reiterate plainly that A Cry in the Night, because of its several positive values, is a motion picture eminently worth showing—suitable for large premieres, ind iv idua l churches, student groups or mission­ ary conferences. 52 minutes, color. Children's Series Five new titles in the Our Chil­ dren series have recently been re­ leased by Family Films. Designed to help boys and girls find Christian solutions to everyday living prob­ lems, these films are ideal for use in the church school. For greater effectiveness, a utilization guide booklet is available. New titles are: First Impressions, Half Inch of Selfishness, God’s Christmas Gift, Spending Money and Turn the Other Cheek. 15 min., color or b.&w.

D ID YOU KNOW . . . That "wai” (p ronoun ced "Y” ) in Hawaiian means "water” ? . . . That "ala” in Hawaiian means "way” ? A N D D ID YOU KNOW . . . That KAIM and KAIM-FM, Hawaii’s only missionary radio sta­ tions, are daily presenting to the spiritually needy in the Islands the only true and living "Ala” . . . and the "Wai” of Life? THAT 'S R IGHT . . . The music and message of the Gos­ pel is being beamed into thousands of homes that would never otherwise hear the good news of "He Aloha Ke Akua” . . . "The Love of God” . . . and W E 'D LIKE YOU TO KNOW . . . That you can have a very real part in this vital air ministry, too. W AN T TO KNOW HOW? . • . We’ll gladly tell you. Just clip the handy coupon below and send it to us, "KAIM, Box 375, Honolulu, T.H.”

Please tell me more about the Hawaii Christian Broadcasting Association.




The King's Business/September 1958


Y o u n g M e n . . . you can serve Christ better after youve been trained for the ministry in Moody’s Pastors Course At Moody Bible Institute, you become grounded in the Bible and Christian theology. . . study the NewTestament in its original Greek. . . learn how to prepare and deliver sermons. . . and receive training in the many other subjects which prepare a man for the ministry. Because of Moody’s sound academic standards, many colleges and universities allow liberal transfer of credit for work taken. Practical assignments include superintending and teaching Sunday schools, conducting teacher training classes and prayer meetings, working in young people’s clubs and doing house-to-house visitation. In addition, the vast Chicago metropolitan area provides ample opportunity for working in missions, holding services in jails, orphanages and hospitals. Moody’s 50,000-volume library, which includes rare and priceless works, provides pastoral students with extensive research facilities. Active, growing churches in all parts of the country- guided by graduates of Moody’s Pastors Course-are a living testimony to the effectiveness of MBI training. INTERDENOMINATIONAL . . . EVANGELICAL Moody Bible Institute 820 N. LaSalle Street • Chicago 10, Illinois — _ — _ Dr. WilliamCulbertson, president Dr. S. Maxwell Coder, dean D t k - 58-254 1 Gaining a thorough knowledge of the Word. . . and how to use i t . . . is the most important part of this three-year course.

¡d e a d e r ¡R e a c tio n

That $11 Offer

Sirs: Here’s our $11 for five gift sub­ scriptions. Sorry we waited until we got the big card reminding us of your need. Summer is a busy time with vacations and all and such appeals are easily overlooked. Did your summer appeal for more subscribers bring good results? West Covina, Calif. Mrs. W. R. Mack The final results were fairly good. More than 1,000 new one year sub­ scriptions came in. — Ed. Sirs: We’re older folks (I’m 71 and my husband is 83) and we live on a small pension. We can’t help out in your present need but we can and do pray for your wonderful magazine. The last few issues especially have been so helpful. The cover on the August issue of the sea is so restful . . . I think scenes like that appeal to us older people. Portland, Ore. Mrs. Joseph T. Stromberg Christianity Issue Sirs: Mr. Peterson is so impressed with the special August Christianity is­ sue that he has asked me to order 25 extra copies. Glendale, Calif. Muriel Hamlin, Adv. Manager A. E. Peterson Mfg. Co. Sirs: It is refreshing to know that at least one magazine in America shows a genuine interest in those who have not yet accepted Christ as Saviour. Your August issue is truly a masterpiece. There are a half dozen good publications print­ ing splendid material for Christians. I’ve always felt that Christianity should be more than just feeding the saints. Why can’t we be more con­ cerned with those who have not yet accepted Christ? What we need is one or two top magazines devoted 100% to those outside the fold. Your yearly Christianity issue is at least a giant step in the right direction. Keep up the good work. Kansas City, Mo. Jack M. Slausen Sirs: Can we still get copies of the spe­ cial August Christianity issue? South Bend, Ind. Homer Silliman Yes. See inside back cover. — Ed.

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EXPLORE and DISCOVER a thrilling series o f studies based on the prison epistles. prepared b y îiw A j

Dr. Charles Caldwell Ryrie, newly- elected president of the former Philadelphia Bible Institute, has as­ sumed aggressive leadership of the school by adding a fourth year, ob­ taining college accreditation by au­ thority of the Pennsylvania State Council of Education and changing the name of the institute to The Philadelphia Bible College. Sunday school leader Clat-e A. Ris- ley, Biola 1940 (Exec. Sec. National Sunday School Association) and an array of experts in the field of Christian education have scheduled the NSSA’s annual convention for Oct. 8-10 at the Veterans Memorial Auditorium, Des Moines, Iowa. Believing that collegians hold the key to world evangelism, Campus Crusade’s leader, Bill Bright, is en­ gaged in recruiting 1,000 qualified men and women for missionary service in leading un iversities around the world. His slogan: “Win the campus for Christ today—win the world for Christ tomorrow.” Fourteen years ago a husky little 12-year-old boy named E

B eloved d irecto r o f the w o rld -w id e broadcast OLD FASHIONED REVIVAL HOUR PAUL—intrepid pioneer missionary! Founder of many churches; spiritual father of many believers — now a prisoner in Rome for the sake of Jesus Christ. Read what he has to

say to the people of Ephesus, Philippi and Colossae. See Onesi- mus the slave as he re­ turns to his master Philemon. Learn Paul’s secret for peace, power, and provision amid the changing circumstances of life—“Study to shew thyself approved . . . a workman that needeth not to be ashamed . . . ”

A ONCE IN A LIFE­ TIME OPPORTUNITY for EVERYONE interested in real Christian growth and the knowledge of God's Word, including Ministers Sunday School teachers Students Church Officers Educational Directors Missionaries LISTEN for helpful "Explore and Discover” Bible study com­ mentary by Dr. Charles E. Fuller each Sunday on the Old Fashioned Revival Hour. Check local newspaper radio listing for station and time in your area or write Box 123, Los Angeles, Cali­ fornia for complete infor­ mation.

THE BEST OF 40 YEARS’ BIBLE TEACHING from the heart of America's radio minister to millions

KB-9 Dr. Charles E. Fuller Box 123 Los Angeles, California Please send me special introduction and first series of “Ex- plore and Discover” outlines. N am e.. _______________________________________ _______

Street Address- City__________

_Zone_ -State—

Send to Prayer Time, The King’s Business maga­ zine, 558 So. Hope, Los Angeles 17, California.

The King's Business/September 1958



On thè A ir . . . from Times Square! S B i j g l

^ J J - y m n A % ^ o u o C t ove

* READ what


» 1 ! “ Moody Annuities j j are good I ! investments... ■ I we’ve been partners with Moody | • Bible Institute in the Lord’s work I for more than 20 years—and not ‘ | once during all these years has the I | Institute ever missed a single pay- J y ment—or been late with a check.” Jj J tk Mr. and Mrs. W. say:

by Phil Kerr


Words by J. H. Sammis Music by D. B. Towner

“Some years ago Moody was con­ ducting meetings in Brockton, Mass.,” wrote D. B. Towner, “and I had the pleasure of singing for him there. One night a young man rose in testimony meeting and said, ‘I’m not quite sure —but I am going to trust, and I am going to obey .’ I jotted that sentence down and sent it with the story to Rev. J. H. Sammis. He wrote the hymn and the tune was born.” Sammis, bom in New York, became a businessman in Logansport, Ind., and an active Christian layman. He finally gave up his business, served as a YMCA secretary for several years, then became a Presbyterian minister, pastoring churches in In­ diana, Michigan and M in n e so ta . From 1909 until his death (June 12, 1919) he was on the faculty of the Los Angeles Bible Institute. D. B. Towner was bom March 5, 1850, in Rome, Pa. (the birthplace of Philip Bliss). The possessor of un­ usual musical ability, he became musical director of the Centenary M. E. Church of Binghamton, N.Y., at the age of 20, later serving in a sim­ ilar capacity in the York Street Meth­ odist Church of Cincinnati. In 1885 he joined Dwight L. Moody, serving as head of Moody Bible Institute’s music department from 1893 until his death. The University of Tennes­ see conferred the degree of Doctor of Music upon him in 1900. He was an outstanding singer, choirleader and teacher, with a rich baritone voice. He edited many hymnals and com­ posed music for hundreds of songs, including “Redeemed,” “A n yw h e re With Jesus,” “Grace Greater Than Our Sins” and “Trust and Obey.” He died suddenly, October 3, 1919, while conducting the music in an evange­ listic campaign in Longwood, Mo.

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BOOK MANUSCRIPTS CONSIDERED by cooperative publisher who offers'authors early publication, higher royalty, national distribution, and beautifully designed books. All subjects welcomed. Write, or send your MS directly. GREENWICH BOOK PUBLISHERS, INC. Atten. MR. HALSEY 489 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK 17, N.Y.

A Moody representativepays these long-time annuitants a visit.

Mrs. W . also added: “We’ve experienced the wonderful satis­ faction and joy, too, that comes from hav­ ing a part in winning the lost for Christ.” . . . and that's w hat w e m ean by DOUBLE D IVIDENDS! In brief, that’s what you’ll enjoy in the Moody Annuity Plan—assurance of a gen­ erous, guaranteed income as long as you live (up to 8%% return, depending on your age). Yes, you’ll have peace of mind plus the joy of having a definite share in the Lord’s work. WRITE FOR FREE BOOKLET which explains the Moody Annuity Plan in detail, including tax benefits. Contains chart showing rates for all ages and describes Moody’s many ministries. . CLIP AND MAIL COUPON TODAY . » Carl J. Frizen, Stewardship Department M OODY BIBLE INSTITUTE Dept. K-58-35-2 820 N. LaSalle Street • Chicago 10, Illinois □ Please send me, without obligation, Double Dividends , story of Moody Annuity Plan. □ Please send folder, Where There's a Will , relating to stewardship. Name Age Address City Zone State

Have you heard BEYOND THE SUNSET” as played by HERMAN VO SS The lilting style of this virtuose of the keyboard is beautifully evident in this and other equally pleasing offerings on: ZLP-501 — O R G A N M ED ITAT ION S (12 songs) ZLP-506 — BEYOND THE SUNSET (12 songs) LP-158 — CHURCH IN THE W IL D W O O D (16 songs) 33y3 RPM 12" L-P Record — Only $3.85 (excise tax included) (Add 25c per record for postage and packing)

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Large, easy-to-read type with 2,000 words of notes on the salvation passages. 80 pages, size 8)4 by 5 inches. 35c each or 3 for $1 postpaid. The King's Business, 558 S. Hope, Los Angeles 17, Calif.

A Change For The King’s Business This is to announce that plans are now underway to completely reorganize The King’s Business magazine after the next issue. It is thought that this reorganization, under the direction of Mr. A1 Sanders, will bring about a magazine that is closer to the policy and aims of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles. For the past 5^2 years the magazine has been under the direction of Lloyd Hamill. During this time circulation has gone up 35% (over 1,000 new subscribers have been added the past six weeks alone) and advertising revenue has more than tripled. However, it is felt that circulation will grow faster if the content and style of the magazine are brought more into line with the BIOLA viewpoint. In keeping with this, the managing editor and all of his adver­ tising and editorial staff are being replaced. The King’s Business should have a great ministry ahead. Let us know how you like this improvement in the months to come under the leadership of BIOLA’s Vice President, Mr. A1 Sanders.

The King's. Business/September 1958



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ternoon The radiant morn hath passed away, And spent too soon her golden store; The shadows of departing day Creep on once more. Our life is but a fading day, Its glorious noon how quickly past: Lead us, O Christ, thou living Way, Safe home at last.


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— G. Tbring

Subscriptions to King's Business make excellent gifts. GOSPEL FILMS On free-will offering basis. 150 to choose from. Also write for information about Tel-n- See, the marvelous new medium for mak­ ing and showing movie-like color pictures with synchronized sound on tape, at greatly reduced cost. C. O. BAPTISTA FILMS Wheaton, Illinois (A non-profit Christian Foundation) O o You N eed MONEY? Earn Up To $50 A Day! ROSEDESK SET FREE! Yours MAKE M0NEY FAST> save as a m oney for friends too, Q ip r

JLiOve’s Treasures Lord, lead the way the Saviour went, By lane and cell obscure; And let love’s treasures still be spent, Like His, upon the poor. Like Him, through scenes of deep distress, Who bore the world’s sad weight, We, in their crowded loneliness, Would seek the desolate. For Thou hast placed us side by side In this wide world of ill; And, that Thy followers may be tried, The poor are with us still. Mean are all offerings we can make;

Yet Thou hast taught us, Lord, If given for the Saviour’s sake, They lose not their reward.

-—• Rev. W. Croswell

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— John Wesley

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An Un f o r g e t t a b l e

M i s s i on a r y Fi lm

mr church and l Vision makes '■film available rches with this ipulation-that

by Gordon Chilvers


O ur great privilege is to enter God’s presence and lay bare our hearts before Him in worship, praise and petition. Sometimes the devil raises doubts in our minds as from time to time our petitions seem to go unheeded. Does God really hear us? Does He want us to draw near to Him? Assurance on these subjects is vital to our Christian life. Our assurance comes first from our love for others. The world hates Christians; do we love them? The answer to that question is an un­ failing indication of our spiritual progress. John says by this love “. . . we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before him” (1 John 3:19). Love is vital. “. . . he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law” (Rom. 13:8). This love certifies our sonship. “We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death” (1 John 3:14). John then probes the uneasy con­ science. Have we the clear convic­ tion that we really love the breth­ ren? If we have not, then our heart condemns us. It was Findlay who said, “The tense of the verb makes the supposition more alarming; it is put in the Greek present of con­ tinuity, and implies not a passing cloud but a persistent shadow, a repeated or sustained protest of con­ science. This is no mere misgiving of sensitive nature jealous of itself, to be justly dispelled by the reassur­ ing consciousness of a cordial love to the brethren. Nay, it is the oppo­ site of such assurance; it is condem­ nation upon the vital, testing point.” Whenever conscience convicts us then we need beware for “God is greater than our heart.” If we are

come boldly to God for Christ’s work is completely effective and has cleared away all hesitation and mystery. Our boldness is strength­ ened by the fact that it is now a Throne of Grace. It is no longer a throne flashing with lightning and reverberating with thunder. The holiest of all is no longer veiled from our sight, and by faith we can enter into the presence of God. There is the gracious invitation of God assuring us that He is more ready to answer us than we are to ask Him. He will meet our need “according to the riches in Christ Jesus” and “is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think.” Love to one another smoothes out any difficulties that could otherwise be in the way of our perfect free­ dom in prayer. We come to God knowing that He sees every loving deed and hears every loving word and reads the love in every motive. Whatever kindness there is in us, God knows and is pleased with it. Where there is love there is no need for fear. Surely nothing is more blessed than to kneel before the Lord and know that we are immediately enjoying His presence in happy, unhampered fellowship. The possibilities of prayer for the soul in the fullest fellowship with God are unlimited: “And whatso­ ever we ask, we receive of him, be­ cause we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleas­ ing in his sight.” This statement is comprehensive enough to include anything or everything we or those we pray for may need. If our heart is right before God, He will lead us in prayer so that we only ask for those things which are reflec­ tions of the will of God. We express our needs to God and look for a full satisfaction in the meeting of that

condemned in the lower court, it is certain that we shall be in the high­ er court. There are many wrong actions which conscience will pass because it is hardened or ignorant, but there are no mistakes with God. We are apt to give ourselves the benefit of the doubt, but God will be completely impartial. God knows every action, every word, every thought and every motive; and all are weighed most scrupulously. If we cannot look ourselves in the face and say all is well, then clearly we cannot expect to look into the face of God and get His approval. “God is greater than our hearts” in purity and sees the hidden evil and the malignity of sin. He “knoweth all things,” even if secret; whether good or evil; whether it mitigates or aggravates. On the other hand it is possible for us to be like Paul and have “. . . a conscience void of offence toward God, and toward men” (Acts 24:16). So with a tender ap­ peal John gives a word of consola­ tion to quell our fears. “Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God.” This is the guileless conscience bathed in love which can look up to God for His smile of approval. Here we pass from the shadow to the sun­ shine. The child of God knows he can speak as naturally to Him as to his earthly father. In fact it is bet­ ter than that. According to Plum­ mer, “He will be able to unburden his whole soul without restraint to his Father in heaven, and pour forth his words that he would on no account utter in a human ear.” Through Christ we have the priv­ ilege of going to God and calling Him “Father” and that is the pri­ mary ground of our confidence. “Having therefore, brethren, bold­ ness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus” (Heb. 10:19). We

The author is from Norwich, England and this is his third recent article in KB.


N GOD need. Our receiving closely follows our asking. John does not tell us God will consider it, but that He will answer it. Every petition sent to the throne of God will have its answer from above. When love floods our lives we shall be on such terms of happy fellowship with God that He can deny us nothing. Our assurance comes too from our obedience. “We receive of him because we keep his command­ ments.” “Keeping” speaks of watch­ ful care and the word is used of closely guarding money that has been collected. Obedience to the re­ vealed will of God is a condition precedent to God answering our pe­ titions. Our Lord requires that our ac­ ceptance of Calvary be followed by obedience to His will. Our Lord Himself ties together obedience and answered prayer. “If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you” (John 15:7). Parents delight to shower benefits on those of their children who are obedient to their wishes; and so God, our Father, delights to bless us as we keep His commandments. If we want God to do as we ask Him, then we must do what He asks of us. Unconfessed acts of disobe­ dience may hinder our petitions. Coupled with obedience is that extra which John describes as do­ ing “those things that are pleasing in his sight.” Our Lord said: “. . . The Father hath not left me alone; for I do always those things that please him” (John 8:29). Is this constant pleasing of God one of the secrets of our Lord’s successful prayer? One thing is certain, He and He alone could say to God: “And I knew that thou hearest me always . . .” (John 11:42). We are happy if we can echo the words of Hezekiah: “Remember now, O

Lord, I beseech thee, how I have walked before thee in truth and with a perfect heart, and have done that which is good in thy sight” (Isa. 38:3). It is possible for us to please God for He can “Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is wellpleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ . . .” (Heb. 13:21). Sometimes we wonder if we should go to a certain place or do a certain thing. We come to the con­ clusion that there is no harm in it and we go forward. But is that really the way to look at the point? Should we not rather ask: “Will it please the Lord for me to go here or to do this?” If we can give an af­ firmative answer then we shall suf­ fer no harm from agreeing to the proposal We must be looking to God always that we may discover His will for every action. Having found it out we must make it our great ambition to carry it out. If we make His will our aim, He will make our needs His care. As the Psalmist says: “Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart” (Psa. 37:4). This verse is the grand assur­ ance to all Christians that a God­ pleasing walk is answered by a heaven-sent response to our prayer. “. . . the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much” (James 5:16). The basic commandment is obe­ dience to God in repentance and trust in Christ for salvation. “This is his commandment, That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ.” Belief is the decisive act at con­ version, but it is far more than that; it is a continual trust for the whole of the Christian pathway. So we trust in the name of Christ as we trust in everything that the name conveys to us. This belief is

God’s command: “And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and be- lieveth on him, may have everlast­ ing life . . .” (John 6:40). The commandment of God to which John refers, like the law on tables of stone God gave to Israel, has a manward as well as a God- ward aspect. We believe in Christ on the one hand and “love one another, as he gave us command­ ment” on the other. The two sides of the commandment go together. Our assurance comes also from the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. “And hereby we know that he abid- eth in us by the Spirit which he hath given us.” After we believed we were sealed “with that holy Spirit of promise” (Eph. 1:13). We thank God for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, for His presence is a vital assistance to our prayer life. We do not know the mind of God, and confidence in prayer is based on our agreement with the Divine will. But “. . . the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God . . . the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. Now we have re­ ceived . . . the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God” (1 Cor. 2:10-12). So He guides us in our prayer that we may prevail with God. This gives us confidence as we come in prayer to God, for we know that “Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered” (Rom. 8:26). As we fulfill these conditions we can go to God in prayer with per­ fect assurance of heart, being con­ fident that He will do exceeding abundantly. END.

The King's Business/September 1958


HOME a n d how to secure i t


by Merv Rose 1

life.” As a small boy visiting my grand­ parents in a Minnesota village, I often wondered that they had so little and yet they seemed to have so much. Without electricity, with­ out running water, without tele­ phone service, certainly without radio and so many of the modem conveniences, I found them with serenity, peace and security. As I sat between them on Sunday morn­ ing and heard Grandfather softly whisper his prayer and watched Grandmother’s gentle tears during the service, I knew they understood something th a t many modern homes today know little about. Now every time I pass the little village, I think again on the words that so aptly describe them and their fellowship with God. “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” Recently I went to my knees in a vital hour of decision to find words and phrases in which to sim­ ply delineate a plan from God for the key issues of life in the home. I found five fortresses of faith against failure in the American home. The fundamental facts are timeless, but the phrases felt fresh in my hands as I thumbed them over and “hand-tested” them for counseling the thousands who come with broken hearts and homes. I have found that no home can fail that gives God 1) the first hour of each day, 2) the first day of each week, 3) the first portion of its in­ come, 4) the first consideration in all decisions and 5) the first place

in each heart. Give God the first hour of your day. The family altar time ought to be, if at all possible, in the morn­ ing. Follow the blessed plan of Christ according to Mark 1:35, “And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.” I have often recommended to in­ dividuals that their basic prayer time be in the morning rather than at night. Surely we could easily come to the conclusion that at night most of our praying is special, whereas in the morning much of it can be commitment unto God, and anyway, as I tell young people, we get into very little trouble while we are sleeping! We ought to plan our prayer life to prepare for the battle of the day ahead. This sim­ ple fundamental has saved many a youth from pitfalls, simply be­ cause day by day the victory can be had by placing that 24-hour period in God’s holy hands. Likewise, and in the same mea­ sure, the family unit can begin its day together with God. The cus­ tom is old and must needs be re­ vised in many instances, but sure­ ly when our governors and our great statesmen are calling for it, it is high time any believer in Christ should follow the plan of the Bible. Probing deeply into the tragic facts of sin and corruption across the United States of America, the late Senator Charles W. Tobey, out­ spoken member of the Senate’s Crime Investiga tion Committee, called for a return to family wor­ ship in American homes as a para-

(Aod has planned the entire social structure and spiritual success of all of the nations of the world around the simple family unit. Not the church, not the school, not the recreational center, but the home! I am concerned that our young­ sters have every recreational facil­ ity for clean, athletic, daily living. 1 am convinced that they ought to have the very finest education. I am deeply convicted that the church ought to share largely in the time life of all Americans. Certainly we ought to be in the hour of worship Sunday morning, the evangelistic hour of inspiration Sunday night, and the hour of prayer and devo­ tion in the midst of the week— but even the church is not a sub­ stitute for the God-planned Chris­ tian home. Our esteemed Christian friend, Federal Judge Luther W. Young- dahl, when he was Governor of Minnesota, offered this answer to man’s problems of the hour: “I can testify to the value of the family altar on the basis of my own exper­ ience. I had Christian parents who believed their most sacred obliga­ tion was that of teaching their chil­ dren to know and worship God. The training and Christian fellowship in the home in my earliest years has been an essential aid to me through­ out the years. I am most grateful to my parents for this careful guid­ ance. My wife and I have always endeavored to rear our children in Christian surroundings. Unity of parents and children in prayer, the singing of favorite hymns and the reading of the Word of God have been the richest phase of our home


30%, 50%, or as some do, even 90%. God always .adds the in­ crease. We have found it so in our little home. You may argue with this point, but nevertheless it is fundamental. Often people have said to me, “Oh, I give much more than 10%, but I never keep the record.” May I ask, if you will, try keeping the record and find out how little you actually do for people and for God. Give Christ the first consideration in all decisions of life. Holiness of life is based on this fundamental principle. You must not consider yourself first, you must not even consider your family first, you must not consider your future, your ca­ reer, even your dreams first—only God must be first in every decision of life. “I am crucified with Christ: nev­ ertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me” (Gal. 2:20). In reality you do not do the living. If you will allow Him to, God wants to do the living for you. Even in the small matters He has a plan according to Philippians 4:6, 7 (ASV), “In nothing be anx­ ious; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall guard (literally ‘build a fort around’) your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” God wants a share in everything. In the choice of a home, allow God to lead for the sake of the future of your children. They may marry their neighbors around that home. Choose under God. In the choice of schools, particularly higher education units, allow God to direct in those schools. In those schools, friendships will be formed for life in the hearts of the chil­ dren you love. In the choice of social strata which your family will move, choose not a superficial so­ ciety, but the solid pioneering American, believing Christian so­ ciety the family needs. Yes, in every business deal, every move­ ment of life, allow God first place -—first consideration in every de­ cision. In order that your family shall not fail, in order that none of these

weary of the spineless theory of modern America when it excuses its youth from anything more than a paltry 20-minute sermonette on the basis that we must not frighten them with too large a dose of the character-building Christian p re ­ cepts. Some of us still maintain that Sunday is not the day for golf, nor a lounge, nor housework, nor even fishing, as grand a sport as that is. Sunday is God’s day all day long. Sunday is not the day to send your children to Sunday school. You should lead the way by attending Bible class and morning worship with them. If you are planning to sleep in, take your nap in the after­ noon. Be in the house of God Sun­ day night with a neighbor who needs to know the Lord Jesus Christ. Let us come alive with the responsibility. If no one else no­ tices it, children will see the char­ acter-building plan of their parents even in the 20th century. Give God the first portion of your income. The Apostle Paul’s mag­ nificent 15th chapter of his first let­ ter to the church at Corinth with the 58 jewel verses about the resur­ rection is climaxed by the practical application of 1 Corinthians 16:1, “Now concerning the collection . . .” What you do with your dollars is indicative of where your heart is. This writer is not your pastor, nor your guardian, nor your ad­ viser. He merely wishes to place before you as a family the key to successful financial planning. The true Christian gentleman who wants to lead his family as God would have them led, is soon sick of the simpering financial ap­ peals which beg a pittance from the great provision God has given him. Pastors need not be beggars for God, but with a lift of the chin, the shine of the eternal reward in their eyes, they are brokers to aid every family in its financial plans for eternal dividends. The thrill of wise stewardship of your means will be the boon and blessing of every child in your home in future days and the security of your month by month life in this transitory decade. “God loveth a cheerful giver.” If the law required 10% of all earned, how blessed it is for us in this time of grace to give 20%,

mount means of combating juvenile delinquency. Said he, “A return to the old custom of family worship in the American homes would do much to combat juvenile delinquency. It is an acknowledged fact that most of these unfortunate youngsters come from broken homes and poor envi­ ronment, but good American par­ ents, in addition to providing the right kind of homes for their chil­ dren, must make it their business to know intimately the conditions that prevail around the schools which they attend, and all the peo­ ple that children associate with.” I have personally found many people who did not understand what a family altar was. They had no idea that simply gathering the en­ tire family together morning by morning, opening the Bible and reading a portion carefully, earnest­ ly, searchingly, then praying to­ gether, would constitute an altar time for the home and fundamen­ tally assure that home for that day of certain security, serenity, peace and confidence which comes no other way. Give God the entire first day of each week. Hebrews 10:25 encour­ ages us to forsake not “the assem­ bling of ourselves together.” If the Jewish man under the law was will­ ing to remember the “Sabbath,” surely we who know the resurrec­ tion of our blessed Christ and the significance of the first day of the week will be willing to give Him that entire day, the signal of our faith and service in this day of grace. I thank God I was reared in a home which gave first place to the Bible, not the newspaper on the wonderful Lord’s day. I should like to submit to you the proposal that every Christian home allow God the entire rule of the first day of the week, and that each mem­ ber be in his place in the house of God every time during that day that that house is open. There is a sorry sickness among the saints which we often call “Onceritus,” which excuses the weary children of God from spending any more than one single hour Sunday morn­ ing at the church. Cheap, shabby, compromising Christian living in the 20th century is accountable for the moral weak­ ness of this hour. God must be


The Kiri&V Business/September 1958

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