King's Business - 1958-09

WORD James O. Henry, M.A., Edito

Negro's Illusions Left in the Soviet

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Twenty-six years ago Homer Smith, a young Negro from Min­ neapolis, upset by the depression and racial discrimination, began a new life in. what appeared to be a promised land — the Soviet Union. Today Smith, now 48 years old, with 14 Moscow winters and 11 Ethiopian summers and the ruins of his youthful illusions behind him, is back in his native land try­ ing to re-establish his life. His Russian wife and their two chil­ dren are still in Addis Ababa. There the Smiths took refuge in 1946 after the Soviet rulers had turned against all foreigners re­ gardless of color. Smith had to readjust to what was almost a strange society when he returned last November. He does not regret the “tremendous experience” of his long exile •— an experience shared by few Ameri­ cans. But he has only disgust for the Soviet system and feels that the first-hand exposure to communism gave him a deeper appreciation of his native land than he could have otherwise obtained. His dislike of racial discrimina­ tion was a prime reason for his de­ parture. Since his return, he said, he has felt there has been much improvement. But he is disturbed to find that many Negroes are sym­ pathetic to the Sovi e t . “I had thought,” he said, “that it might have become abhorrent to them.” Smith said, “I got disgusted with the country after the war. They put the screws on the people again and I didn’t see any hope. I wanted to get out and get some fresh air.” Smith feels that Americans do not take Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev seriously enough. He said that the Soviet leader was “crude and rude, but that the Pre­ mier’s jokes have serious meaning behind them.” He warned that “should the Soviet Union exceed the United States in the economic sphere, the uncommitted nations would go to the Russian side.”


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