King's Business - 1958-09

BROOKS BIBLE WORK BOOKS By DR. KEITH L BROOKS Use Question-and-Answer Method to UntoverSpiritual Rides This amazing series of 23 titles covers the important parts of God’s word and yields up the pure gold of its teaching equally1 for simple converts or scholarly minds. Searching questions are answered with Bible references to be looked up and written down. Try this simple direct method and discover the blessing possible from even a few minutes a day. BEGIN NOW TO KNOW THE BIBLE BETTER

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Church Growth Building loans of more than $5,500,000 were granted to 243 Christian Churches (Disciples of Christ) in 1957 by the denomina­ tion’s Board of Church Extension, Dr. Qilliam T. Pearcy, executive secretary, said at the annual meet­ ing held recently in Indianapolis. Israeli Digging Supports Bible Further evidence of the Bible’s accuracy as a historical document has been uncovered by Israeli ar­ chaeologists in their diggings at the site of ancient Hazor. They have found the massive and elaborate city gate that the Bible (1 Kings 9:15) says King Solomon built there. They have also uncov­ ered evidence that Hazor was fully destroyed by Joshua in the second half of the 13th century B.C., as the Bible says, and that it did not exist again until it was rebuilt by Solomon in the 10th century B.C. This evidence supports the theory held by one school of biblical ar­ chaeologists that the Song of Deb­ orah was accurate in not mention­ ing Hazor. This group has contend­ ed that it did not exist as a city from 1150 to 1100 B.C,, when Deborah inspired the Israelites against the Canaanites. Hazor is situated on a strategic hill in the Hula Valley nine miles north of the Sea of Galilee. The excavating there has been done by Hebrew University archaeologists under the direction of Maj. Gen. Yigael Yadin, the former Israeli Chief of Staff who negotiated for the purchase of the Dead Sea Scrolls now owned by Israel. The discovery of the gate built by King Solomon has, according to General Yadin, ended another ar­ chaeological debate. This debate was whether the great city gate at ancient Megiddo on the Plain of Jezrell in central Israel was actual­ ly built during Solomon’s time, as the Bible says, or during a later period in Israelite history. When the Hazor diggers uncov-

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The King's Business/September 1958


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