King's Business - 1958-09

that going with a wild west show will be bad for me.” “Good for him,” Mrs. Goodley said. She looked at me. “That’s the very thing we have been telling her too.” Her father’s tanned face was deeply creased and he seemed to be struggling for the right words. “I’ve been trying to help her to realize she should settle down. I’m willing to sign over half of the ranch if she will marry Del Winters, my fore­ man. Del is as fine a man as there is in the country, and he is anxious­ ly waiting for Sue to say yes.” “That would really make us very happy,” Mrs. Goodley added. But Sue had made up her mind. She was set on going along with the wild west show. All the concern of her mother, the urging of her fa­ ther and the persuading that I had done was overruled by the decep­ tive fascination of being a star, traveling all over the country and being applauded by thousands of people. Mrs. Goodley’s last words to me were, “Leonard, please pray for

“That’s just it, Sue. You don’t understand and I can’t fully ex­ plain, so you just have to take my word in the matter,” I said. Sue looked off into space for a moment, then said thoughtfully, “You may be right, you probably are, but I just can’t see what harm can come from doing what I like to do and want to do very much.” “I know you don’t,” I said, try­ ing to be convincing without being unkind, “but harm can and often does come in that way whether we can see how or not. Sue, you must believe me when I say that a wild west show is no place for a girl like you. Your place is at home, and the greatest thing you can do with your life is to spend it helping build a Christian home back there on your father’s ranch.” Just then her parents walked up, and Sue’s mother said, “What are you two so deeply in conversation about anyway?” “Oh nothing much, Mother,” Sue said, trying to treat the whole matter somewhat lightly. “Leonard is just trying to make me believe

bucking horse that fell with her during the ride. I was one of the pick-up men that day, and fortu­ nately I managed to get to her in time to save her from getting trampled to death. Other than being badly frightened she came out without a scratch. She was very grateful for this and thanked me for being on the job to help her just when she needed help so badly. That evening at supper time I had a chance to have a nice long talk with her and to do some seri­ ous considering. I tried in every way I knew to persuade her not to follow the rodeo business, and defi­ nitely not to go with the wild west show. I explained to her that it was a rough kind of life; that it was bad enough for a man, and abso­ lutely out of the question for a girl like her. “Sue,” I said, “all the applause, glamour, fame and fortune you might get out of it just isn’t worth the price you will have to pay.” “But, I don’t understand,” she answered, looking at me with a sincere curiosity.

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