King's Business - 1958-09

HONG KONG is the GATEWAY to Asia used by The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. GOSPEL PREACHING — Emmanual Church holding regular services In English and Chinese In the heart of the colony and the Countryside. M ED ICA L M IN IST R Y — Emmanual Clinic with two doctors and a regular staff of nurses and evangelists, treating over 1,500 monthly. PRINTED PAGE — Biola Book Room, a large evangelical book store In downtown Kowloon distributing Bibles and literature In English and Chinese. YOUTH C EN T ER — Recently built in the New Territories. Primary and Evening Schools for factory workers and their chil­ dren. Summer and winter Bible Confer­ ences. A FOUR FOLD M IN ISTRY

really hadn’t planned to attend, hut when I saw something about it in the paper at Rifle, Colo. I felt that the Lord wanted me to be there. So I headed for Denver, knowing I wouldn’t get there until the Stock Show was nearly over. Just as soon as I got to the city I went right over to the show, made my way to the holding pens and corrals at one end of the arena. I always liked to hang around there because it was the center of activ­ ity. Barely had I started to climb to the top of one of the corrals when I heard the announcer at the judges stand yell, “Ladies and gentlemen, keep your eyes on the center of the arena and watch Sagebrush Sue who will try to ride Black Dyna­ mite. He’s never been ridden by man or woman. Watch him explode when they turn him loose.” “Sagebrush Sue,” I said to my­ self. “Oh no! Not on that horse!” I left the holding pens like a bullet and headed for the judges stand with the idea of persuading them to stop that ride. But I was too late. Black Dynamite had been saddled while he pawed the air. One cow­ boy was holding his head down by hanging onto his ears. Another one had his halter rope snubbed to the saddle horn. Sue was already on his back. I reached the judges stand just in time to see the blindfold jerked from Black Dynamite’s eyes. That was the signal for him to be turned loose so that he could put forth all his efforts to get rid of whoever was on his back. The crowd yelled, hollered and cheered until it seemed like the whole place was rocking. Sue was doing a terrific job. But then Black Dynamite in his mad, insane des­ peration leaped into the air and fell over backwards right on top of Sue. Suddenly the crowd became still, almost like it had vanished. I knew then why I had come to Denver. I rushed into the arena and over to the scene of the acci­ dent. I knelt down beside Sue. She was unconscious, seriously hurt. We put her into an ambulance and took her to a hospital. The doctor doubted that she’d ever regain con­ sciousness. No one seemed to know where Sue’s home was or whom to notify of her condition. I was glad I was on hand to tell them who her parents were and where to get in

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For complete information and gifts, please write:

Charles A. Roberts, D.D., Supt.

The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. ' Hong Kong Department 558 South Hope St„ Los Angeles 17, California Have You Thought of an

H OW TO CHOOSE A BIBLE AS A MEMORIAL GIFT S e n d fo r F R E E co lo r b rochu re

v‘ U d ì.) . , : Pilli


;im Lyrcnr

ART Major?



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University Press 32 E. 57th St., New York 22, N. Y. Gentlemen: Please send me your free color brochure about choosing a Bible (King James Version) for Pulpit or Lectern. ^ NAME.

For information write: Admissions Office, The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc., 338 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.


The King's Business/September 1958

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