MRG White Paper on Senior Management Recruitment in 2020 – …

Key Lessons Learned That Make Technology Work For You Use the Mute button when you are not talking. Feedback noise can have a detrimental effect on the quality of your meetings. It can lead to miscommunication and frustration. Ask all the participants to use the mute button when not speaking and raise their hand when they intend to interject, ask a question or add detail. This flags the action to the speaker and prevents talking over each other. Better sound quality can also be achieved by asking participants to use headphones, reducing the feedback noise emitting from external speakers. You can also install third-party apps which improve the sound quality by reducing feedback, such as Krisp.³ Provide a clear objective for the call in advance. Include an agenda in the body of the invitation outlining the purpose and structure of the meeting, so participants are able to prepare. If you are sharing any documents, it might be a good idea to attach to the invitation so people can read and digest ahead of the meeting.

Keep the meeting short, sharp and precise, allowing for time to ask questions and chat at the end. People are naturally social beings, but a maximum one-hour meeting should be our goal at this stage. Allowing for free discussion at the beginning will settle the participants and at the end builds rapport. Consider your software recording capabilities. You can send the video of the meeting to anyone unable to attend or can be re-watched again later to pick up on any important details that were missed. Do not forget to get the consent of attendees before recording. Consider your background carefully and consider setting the scene. Try to look straight into the camera by elevating your screen. It is much more flattering than meeting someone looking down at their keyboard.


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