THE RIGHT FIT Gilmore had been in recovery for a time before he sought help at Micah House. In fact, he had previously worked at another treatment center. But a failed long-distance relationship combined with other personal challenges took his focus from recovery and led to a relapse. His use picked up where it had left off before his last stint in recovery, and only worsened after the death of a close friend. Getting back into recovery for the last time proved to be as much of a struggle, if not more, than the rst time. “When you’ve encountered God and recovery, then you go back out, it’s just painful,” says Gilmore. “It’s the shame and guilt of ‘how’d I get back here again?’ and it feels hopeless.” He tried other treatment centers and managed to put together eight months of clean time before relapsing again. Feeling like “a wreck - physically, mentally, spiritually,” he caught a glimpse of hope when he arrived at Micah House. Immediately he felt comfort in the laid-back homelike atmosphere and amongst the warm welcome of staff members. A longtime Christian, the faith-based approach helped with his beliefs and pushed him to re-awaken spiritually. After four months of hard work and dedication to recovery, Gilmore graduated from Micah House and started taking classes shortly after. He hopes to nish his LADC degree in 2017, but is grateful for his current role at Micah House, a place that has given new meaning to his life for the past seven years. “It’s a good purpose to have an impact, to be able to change people’s lives,” he says. “Just like I found hope and love here, I can be an example of that to the people I’m surrounded with today.”
An unexpected opportunity presented itself roughly ve years ago while Augustus Gilmore was in school to become an LADC. A class assignment led him to interview Pastor William Lockett, founder and CEO of Micah House. He nished the assignment, but not before Pastor Lockett offered him a job as a CD Tech. Having been a client at Micah House in 2009, Gilmore eagerly seized the opportunity as a chance to give back to the program that helped him get his own life back on course. “Recovery isn’t easy, I understand that,” he says. “But to be able to participate in it, that’s what it’s all about - giving back.” USING WHAT HE KNOWS Being not only in recovery, but a graduate of the very program he now serves, strengthens Gilmore’s insight into what new clients are going through. He works the overnight shift, so oftentimes he is the only staff present for clients to go to when they need help. “I try to provide a safe, secure welfare for clients, whatever their needs,” he says. “I can be that go-between for the clients and their counselor and listen effectively.” Effective listening, he says, stems directly from values he’s learned through his own recovery, which began at Micah House. Patience, tolerance and a high level of respect towards clients are necessary values in his role, all of which benet from a sense of empathy that allows him to connect on a personal level. “I’ve got all their best interests at heart,” he says. “They can trust me while I’m on duty - that’s real important to me. I genuinely care for these guys.”
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