T H E M I C A H H O U S E By Melinda Walters

There was a Dark time, Not long ago. When my heart, weighed heavy, and my sunny fields filled with cold snow.

Through a twist of fate in this time and space

the world has brought me to this wonderful place. With an encouraging word or an inspiring hug or smile The Micah House and God helped make me feel worthwhile. Whether a sense of peace Or a feeling of home, best of all learning how to be sober and that I’m not alone. How to love myself, or ask for help, Thank you Miss Gail and Micah House for helping me find the REAL me.

T H E M I C A H HO U S E 1 5 2 3 N I C O L L E T A V E , M I N N E A P O L I S , MN 5 5 4 0 3 V I C T O R Y T H R O U G H F A I T H . C OM


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