• The University was estab- lished in 1900, and has a pi- oneering history including being the country’s first civic University, the first Medical School and the first Faculty of Commerce. • Today, the University of Bir- mingham is ranked in the top 100 globally and in the top 20 of all domestic league ta- bles. The quality of what we do at Birmingham is widely recognised. • The University of Birming- ham is the largest of 5 High- er Education institutions with 23,000 undergradu- ates, 12,500 postgraduates and 8,000 staff. • Located in leafy green Edg baston, just three miles from Birmingham city centre. The University is home to the Barber Institute of Fine Arts, housing works by Van Gogh, Picasso and Monet; and the 100 metre high Joseph Chamberlain Clock Tow- er (affection - ately known as ‘Old Joe’) a prominent landmark visible from many parts of the city.
• The University was estab- lished in 1900, and has a pi- oneering history including being the country’s first civic University, the first Medical School and the first Faculty of Commerce. • Today, the University of Bir- mingham is ranked in the top 100 globally and in the top 20 of all domestic league ta- bles. The quality of what we do at Birmingham is widely recognised. • The University of Birming- ham is the largest of 5 High- er Education institutions with 23,000 undergradu- ates, 12,500 postgraduates and 8,000 staff. • Located in leafy green Edg baston, just three miles from Birmingham city centre. The University is home to the Barber Institute of Fine Arts, housing works by Van Gogh, Picasso and Monet; and the 100 metre high Joseph Chamberlain Clock Tow- er (affection - ately known as ‘Old Joe’) a prominent landmark visible from many parts of the city.
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