The UWI Cave Hill Campus Annual Report to Council 2021/2022

Research and Innovation | 109

OFFICE OF RESEARCH, INNOVATION AND COMMUNITY AT CAVE HILL (RICCH) The Office of Research, Innovation and Community at Cave Hill continued to support both academics and researchers to meet their goals in relation to research and support the Campus’ objectives in relation to income generation. Business Development Process Map The Cave Hill Campus is home to a myriad of entrepre- neurial ideas, only a few of which reach income generation status. RICCH conceptualised a Business Development Process Map that presents an overview of the key steps necessary for the development of entrepreneurial concepts at the Campus. This process can be viewed in Figure 4. Grant Opportunities Booklet In March 2022, RICCH produced its first Grant Opportunities Booklet. This booklet provides a list of grant opportunities which are separated by Faculty for ease of use, thus making it easy for academics in the various facul- ties to pursue various grant opportunities.

RICCH Template Documents It was recognised that whereas a process for the presentation and review of entrepreneurial ideas was established, there was still a need to introduce additional mechanisms to ensure greater uniformity with the presentation of information. Consequently, a RICCH concept proposal document, in addition to a RICCH business template was developed. A report template was also developed for use by each Faculty Representative. Market Research RICCH continued its partnership with Dr Joseanne Knight, Lecturer in Management Studies, to utilise our student- based resources to assist with conducting market research for proposed income generation projects. The income generating concepts presented by the members of our Campus community are typically designed to address a perceived need or aligned with a perceived socio-economic trend. It is imperative, however, to exercise our capacity as a Higher Education Institution and ensure that the potential success of these proposed projects is supported by empir- ical data. Consequently, it was determined that market research should be undertaken for many of the proposed projects. This would systematically gather well informed data from the intended target groups to determine the potential success of the proposed project. The information

Figure 4: Business Development Process Map


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