116 | Research and Innovation
BUILDING AND STRENGTHENING RESEARCH NETWORKS Partnership Fostered to Address Climate Action: McGill-UWI Climate Resilience Project In 2018, The UWI was selected by the International Association of Universities (IAU) to lead the Global University Cluster on Sustainable Development Goal 13 – Climate Action. The Cave Hill Campus, as part of the wider UWI, is therefore steadfast in its contribution to the achievement of this United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development goal. The Cave Hill Campus and its sister Campus, St. Augustine Campus in Trinidad, collaborated with the McGill School of Population and Global Health to form the McGill-UWI Climate Resilience Project. This is a three-year (2022- 2024) Queen Elizabeth Scholars climate resilience research and student-training initiative. This training and research exchange program will provide numerous benefits for The UWI’s faculty and students. The research initiative will also be impactful nationally, regionally and internationally. It will: 1. Link cross-disciplinary research with practice between Canada and the Caribbean region 2. Offer UWI graduate-level students a paid opportunity to travel to McGill each year to work on research projects as graduate research trainees supervised by McGill faculty members. McGill students will also undertake practice-based internships with partners in Barbados and Trinidad. 3. Provide the opportunity for faculty members, through submitted proposals, to supervise graduate interns from McGill University on new or ongoing research initiatives in the area of climate change adaptation and resilient communities.
Promotional Flyer – Launch of The Research Initiative for Supporting Education (RISE)
Launch of The Research Initiative for Supporting Education (RISE) and Establishment of the Regional Research Advisory Committee In March 2021, The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) awarded USD 3.7 million for the Research Initiative for Supporting Education in the Caribbean (RISE Caribbean Project) to set up the Caribbean Educational Research Centre (CERC) in the Faculty of Humanities and Education. CERC will have an interdisciplinary research focus where research will support decision making and policy development for educational innovation and development in the Eastern Caribbean and Barbados. The official launch of RISE was held on September 15, 2021 in the presence of several distinguished persons. Prominent speakers included The Honourable Santia Bradshaw , MP Minister of Education in Barbados, His Excellency Dr Didacus Jules , Director General of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States, Pro Vice-Chancellor and Principal of the Cave Hill Campus, Professor R Clive Landis and Her Excellency, Ms Linda Taglialatela , Ambassador of the United
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